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 STARTUP CODE v2.0 by Bald Horse/TRSI              Wanna contact??? just write:   BALD HORSE/TRSI......BOX 4......43316 BIELSKO BIALA......POLAND

SURE ???   Y/N  DeCrUnChInG...                  Search for what:I'm looking for:Continue search?Bad luck man!!! 1234567890123456                

         WELCOME IN SPEED NO.26         
     ** EXTREME 4K'ING / NUANCE **      
        ** CHANGING / CAPSULE **        
         ** FANTASY / DARKAGE **        
        ** PULP / FOCUS DESIGN **       
    ** SUTJU, A SUTJAKKA / JORMAS **    
         ** ASSFART / APATHY **         
        ** NO SHAME / CYDONIA **        
      ** CARPE NOCTEM / OFFENCE **      

 _.___________________________________         _  _ __ ___ ________________._
 \!  ________  _________   _________ /___ _ ___________  ____ __________   !/
  :  \       \/        /.__) ______/___ ____\___      /_))    \        (.  :
  ¦  .\      \/_________|    _\        |       /     /        |\        |  |
  |_ |________\ _____ _ |______________|______/_____/ __________________| _|
   /____________\-r!                  _  _ __ ____________________________\
      01-01 ..... menu
      02-02 ..... credits
      03-06 ..... symposium/mekka'97 report by lord/impulse+absolute!+cj
      07-17 ..... symposium/mekka'97 official results
      18-26 ..... the gathering'97 official results
      27-32 ..... motorola inside'97 official invitation
      33-33 ..... how to support?
      34-34 ..... support SPEED CHARTS right now!
      35-36 ..... contact nah-kolor
      37-37 ..... list of supporters of speed pack
      38-44 ..... greetings
 cDr/ms_____ ________ ________ ________ _______  ____ _____________________|_
   ____\  _//_      //_      //_      //_     /                            |
   \   _\    /_____/  /_____/  /_____/  /    //\  _ sPEEd #26 bY nAH-kOLOR_|
   code'n'design ... bald horse/trsi
   gfx ............. lazur/anadune
   gfx-hidden ...... fade one
   music-pack ...... psycho center 02 by dagon/gel dezign
   music-mag ....... unsuspected ii by curt cool/depth+k!nky
   music-hidden .... dsx design, supernao, virgill
   article ......... lord/impulse+absolute!+crimsonjihad
   ascii's ......... crusader, relief, the founder, tommy
   news ............ big-rat, czarny, ctp, decoy, guma, hawk, korball, payday
   pack ............ blaze/nah-kolor+floppy
                             great modules (length 50kb uncrunched) wanted!
                                             contact with blaze ofcourse...
Place: Fallingbostel/Germany  Date: 28-31, march, 1997
  We  really  disappointed in the biggest scene event in Tp5, with the friends
we visited it together.  Wanted a party just to do what it's meaning means and
not  to  feel  like in prison.  Last year Symposium did it for us.  It was the
best foreign party i ever visited!  Not because of the number of visitors (600
-  this  year  a  bit more perhaps), but i could felt that the organizers were
sceners and not those typical money hungry sharks.  This case there was no way
for us to miss this year Symposium either.
 The  partyplace  was  a big hall in a small german village north of Hannover.
Was easy to find it though first it seemed we won't be able to reach the place
when  our  favoured  russian  wonder,  LADA Samara got a puncture in a fucking
ice-rain  at 150 km/h speed on a german highway.  Though I know, it'd had been
nice death to die in way to the party, somehow we survived and arrived there.
 The  entrance fee (40 DM) didn't hit me that much (compared to the 65 DM TP6)
though in Hungary you get 50!  bottles of beer for it.  We started bringing in
our  stuffs.  My friend told to bring 2-3 bottles only first, just to be sure,
but  i didn't want to train my leg and jump out for a new bottle each hour, so
rather  risked and brought a whole bin of beer (12 litres) in.  When we opened
the  entrance,  I thought they'd kill me for the bottles.  but what happened?!
People  at the entrance just wondered on the bottles (perhaps they never saw 1
liter  homemade beerbottles yet), but didn't say anything (except a huuuuuuuh)
or even didn't ask for any of our 'bread' as duty either.  I knew that certain
minute, the organizer staff didn't change to the last year, for sure.
 The  first  day  went  very fast.  Opening ceremony at 20h (of course all the
speeches  were  spoken  in  English  during  the  whole  partytime,  now - big
advantage  to  the last year), a concert at midnight (there were concerts each
nights!   -  3 altogether - the best one was the one by NoiseDrift on sunday -
even  i  could  have  listened  to it - i hate tekkno like hell) and videos or
something  by  night.   At 2 o'clock the internet cafe closed down and all the
party aslept (that suxx a bit).
 All  the  compos  were  held  from saturday evening-monday morning.  It was a
great  idea  to separate them and not crunching those into one infinite night.
Big  advantage  also most of the compos were held in time (without usual major
lame PC config fuckups), because the contributions were shown from video!
 The  party  staff  was  the  most friendly one i've ever met.  They knew what
partying  means, didn't forbid us drinking, reacted positivily for everything,
helped  in  everything  (e.g  we - Impulse - wanted to release an intro at the
party,  but  there  was  a  kind  of  mistake  in the limit - was shown on the
bigscreen  'ALL  64KB  INTROS' and we told this size to the coder on irc - but
the  limit for Amiga was 40kb (and only the pc was 64kb) as we got knew later,
and  after  we  managed to get the intro from our coder through the internet -
with  the  organizers help again!  - and we couldn't reach our coder to modify
it  back  to  40kb  - take out the music or something - they didn't send us to
hell,  they  allowed us to compete without music, because it would have fit to
40k  without it.  i don't think the organizers would have reacted the same e.g
at tp6, too!  - thx for you RawStyle and the others!)
 The prizes for the compos were much higher then anybody expected i think.
E.g Amiga demo: 800 DM + CyberVision card (another 500 DM)
    Amiga intro:400 DM + Retina ? card (another ??? DM)
    C64 demo: 400 DM!!! + a power cartridge
    musics, graphics: 400 DM
I was really happy we didn't get at last a lame soundblaster/pc hardware or so
for our Amiga intro (2nd place)
Facilities: Perhaps first time in the history of the parties i visited i was
            able to burst down the manure of my body each party-day without
            feeling like on the north-pole because there was not warm, but
            real HOT! water in the shower (24h)
            the toilettes were cleaned quite often and there was no
            trash-diving around the tables either.
            the sleeping-room was not that big, but i always managed to get
            place there (Doc.Martens shoes rule)
There  were  no  major disadvantages except perhaps i expected different music
styles  on  concerts  (e.g  i  missed a real kicking metal/hard-rock band that
would  have  activated  the  scene for headbanging and shouting) The floor was
very  cold  to  sleep even in sleeping-bags, too, though the sleeping-room was
just  its  opposite.   And it was not that good idea either, to hold the party
exactly  during the Easter days, because none of the pubs nor whorehouses were
opened (if there was in such small village, anyway)
                           What shall i end with?!
            Why we need The Parties, if there is SYMPOSIUM, too!!!
                            official results from
                            MEKKA & SYMPOSIUM '97
                   held eastern in Fallingbostel / Germany 
Fast Intro:
01  157  Fast                  Glue                Real
02   66  Convention            Soney               Smash Designs
03   56  Juicidely Hurry       PigPen              Poison
04   55  FastIntro                                 Puzzle+Depth
05   39  mekka                 Columbus            Remedy/LFC
06   36  Silly Convention      Crisp & Grey        Crux & Bad Karma
07   34  Lamest                Lamest              
08   33  Police!               Carlos, Bitbreaker  Onslaught,Metalvotze
09   31  Herbert               Mindflow            Megasphere
10   29  Crash                 Yoda                Delta.Pi
11   27  PCCRAP                                    Topcrew
12   25  Lame                                      Anonymous
13   22  FastIntro: Sym & Mek                      Excess & Laxity
14   16  Lamer                 Lamer               Anonymous
15    5  Biosupgrade           Mr. Bios            PhakeTech
01  139  Day-X                Leonardo      Black Maiden
02  109  The Edge             Mr 4Tune      CIA
03  109  Freefall             The Knight    Fuel
04   88  not a baywatch girl  Blind Enemy   Simple
05   84  Kaoz                 Junk          Black Maiden
06   46  FunAnsi              Skywalker     Drifters
07   33  Keep Smiling         Junk, Scope   Sargahd/Teklordz
08   31  (k)dmv.ans           kyp           ethos9 ice mean s.
09   22  Killer!              e605          sdi/cts brothers
10   18  EQL2                 Dead Kennedy  Sympathy
11   18  Free Coke            Avenger       Black Maiden
12   16  Hacienda             TRC!          Ethos9 / Phat
13   16  HC GRAFFA            Srj           Phat, Soi
14   12  Ass&Rassel           TC            
C64 Demo:
1  480  Project Pitchfork  Smash Designs
2  250  No                 Smash Designs
3  235  Kotze Inside       Metalvotze
4  175  Electric Dreams    Tengu
C64 Graphic:
1  388  Too M.F. evil  Rayden      Alpha Flight 1970
2  247  Firespell      Hoogo       
3  186  And Let Live   ALG         Alpha Flight 1970
4   98  Dolphin        Bitbreaker  Metalvotze
5   63  Mahlzeit!      Bugjam      Role
6   62  Mystify        Calamity    Laxity/Smash/Dreams
7   25  Alien-Life     MBB         TUM
C64 Music:
01  142  Schnömpf           KB            The Obsessed Maniacs
02  130  Sonic Impression   Brizz         Panic/Soulcore
03  123  Starlight          Fanta         Oxyron
04  120  Side-Kick          Sonic         Smash Designs
05   98  Staggerin' Home    Rayden        Alpha Flight 1970
06   97  The oldstyle       Morbid & TNM  Onslaught
07   95  Britbeef Symphony  Rorschach     Smash Designs
08   75  Voices of Fear     H-Bloxx       Excess/Smash
09   71  3-0-Try            The Syndrom   TIA
10   58  Alto Knallo Mucko  AEG & Soney   Smash Designs
11   16  Freelance          MamiB4
C64 4K:
1  376  4K              Smash Designs
2  374  Elven Magic     Hitmen
3  163  4K Intro / WOW  Warriors of Wastelan
4  159  Dicke tanzt     Accept P.P.
5   88  Turbo Circle    Onslaught
6   47  Ficken          Karlsquell Serwiss
7   31  4K Intro        O.R.I. + ALDI
8   25  2K BASIC Intro  Scoup
Game 32K:
01  241  Wak-A-Bill           Diabolic Force
02  197  TREXX                Polka B. &Submissive
03  184  Rise of the Rabbits  Abyss
04  136  BetaMax              Simple
05   66  Mission Mopreme 32K  TBH
06   58  Khype-Killer         Real
07   40  Sillycon Attack      Teklords
08   31  Ische                Code Red
09   25  Metrix               Sympathy
10   24  More 3DS Ducks       ActionForce
11   19  Zenseition           Encrypted
12   13  Rage a. t. machine   Harald Wuest
PC Demo:
1  524  Claudia             Deathstar
2  208  Segmentation Fault  Strontium 90
3  160  Toon Town           Kolor
4  101  Zeitgeist           Masque
5   61  Time                TBH
6   56  Phake DX            PhakeTech
7   44  Traho Anima         Sympathy
8   44  Atlantis            Riot
9   36  99%                 Incubator
PC 64K:
01  445  Totraum 209           Purge
02  356  Spotlight             Funk!
03  143  Velvet 4              Fatal Justice
04   99  Ah!                   Pulse
05   80  Astral Dream          Ethos9
06   56  Tonca -the way we go  Real
07   51  Mille E Non Piu Mill  Spyral
08   30  Torture               Finix
09   28  Warp-Act 2            Pulpe
10   27  Quickie               ASIT
11   26  Reset                 Diabolic Force
PC 4K:
1  592  Omniscent           Sanction
2  268  HIAS                Ethos9, FINIX
3  187  Meyer 2             Funk!
4  169  Seven               DNA
5   67  ReliQ               Sentient Lifeforms
6   39  Invasion From Mars  Hirntod
7   32  Deep inside of her  ethos 9
8   21  Luztloz             Dies.Irae
Amiga Demo:
01  258  Megademo IV           Artwork
02  252  Fear Factory          Arsenic
03  150  Thug Life             Essence
04  118  Paradisio             Drifters
05  102  Smart                 Elven 11
06   87  The Sign              Scoopex
07   85  Partyhall             Oxyron
08   47  Megademo!             Birdhouse Projects
09   37  Tahiti 3              Interpol
10   36  Tramp                 Death Row
11   33  Energy - Fraction II  Gods
12   32  Eau de Table P.       Jolly
13   15  Artfire               Faque
14   10  Virtual               Skahn-X
Amiga 40K:
1  326  Diskobox           Abyss
2  234  Kenguru 64K Intro  Impulse
3  231  Changing           Capsule
4   78  Pulp               Focus Design
5   77  Fantasy            Darkage
6   55  BolDür             Depth
7   47  3 Years 40K Intro  Jormas
8   35  Adagio             Lightstorm Inc.
9   18  Neuköln            Grasshopper Dev.
Amiga 4K:
1  544  Extel                Ambrosia
2  253  Abyss in Wonderland  Abyss
3  162  Newt                 Focus Design
4  157  Extreme 4K'ing       Nuance
01  165  My Spring in December  Falcon&Medicus        Pulse&KLF
02   79  Chaotic Mindwork       Dac                   Sac, radical rhythms
03   75  Focus                  Lord&Scorpik          Pulse&Noiseless
04   75  Elements II - Water    Acid God              Diabolic Force
05   68  Head On                Poldi                 KLF
06   66  Run for sympathies     Mefis                 Funk! tPolm 4711
07   63  Sulphate Supremacy     Keith 303             Radical Rhythms
08   60  Natural Progression    Ultimo                Raze
09   56  Swift exposure         Vivid+Assign          Radical Rhythms
10   53  Grey Heaven            Screamager            KFMF/RR
11   49  Sunshine               F.B.Y.                Spyral
12   37  Superfly               J. Liljedahl &Unreal  Pulse
13   35  Artificial Babe        Velvet & AM           Amable
14   26  Astraying Insp.        Ben-Jam               Hypermatix
15   13  Walking thr the land   Mix                   Spinning Kids
01  121  Culture Bag         Virgill               Artwork & Essence
02   94  Notion disaster     Barman                Capsule
03   93  Get High Together   Parsec                Elven Eleven
04   88  Pinked              F.B.Y                 Spyral
05   86  Martian Funk        Trauen                Syndrome
06   67  Thrill + Kill me!   Shane                 Crux
07   55  Back 2 Da Rootz     Korg & Doup           Lightstorm Inc.
08   55  U Feel It           Tutti F. & M.Robocop  Interpol
09   52  Blues im Blut 2     BenT Byte             Incubator
10   52  Close Encounters    Notman                Iris
11   47  Danny Da Dizkoking  Ronny                 Teklords
12   34  Schunkel Mukke      Cortex Cerebie        Hirntod
13   31  Sax and Summer      Marc + Angelwings     Syndrome
14   23  Megalithic Altiore  Ghandy + Okeanos      Syndrome
15   20  Horizon             Trip & Bakerman       Depth
01  175  Springtime Feelings   Cyclone             Abyss
02  120  Denis                 Norm                Essence
03  103  Krysia                Sketch & Unreal     Pulse
04   94  Melting Love          Raven               Nuance
05   91  Wild Dreams           BenJ & Darkness     Imphobia
06   86  Bang!                 Lazur & Unreal      Pulse
07   72  Khaesh                IB                  Depth
08   66  Bohème 29             Nero                Artwork
09   58  SAL 7                 GDM & ZINKO         Looker House
10   57  Erlösung              Mefis               Funk! tPolm 4711
11   53  Terror Poit           Cider               n-Factor
12   48  Eat more Chemicals    Pixie               Polka Brothers
13   42  Androids Dream        Acryl               ACME/Legend/Session
14   41  Basics of Life        Varix               Real
15   28  Cicmic                Beast & Lord        Impulse
16   27  BugWarz               Banana Joe          Diabolic Force
17   22  Rage                  Felidae             Reflex64
18   21  MS PacMan95           Wiz                 
19   20  Baby Bourbon          ISO:CRASH + Landru  Code Red
20   19  The Duck and the Egg  Andy                Sympathy
21   17  No Brain No Pain      BAUA                
22   17  Fremen                Froyd               Deathstar
23   14  Pixel by Pixel        Loolarge            
24   13  Burn-in Test          R2-D2               Delta-Pi
25   13  Muscle Man            Necrofiliac         Fuel Belgium
26   12  Asafates              Asavaris            Deathstar
27   10  Sun Runner            Cyclops             Triloxy
28   10  X-Kabouten            CLK/ANK/FSK         Jolly
29    9  Death2.tif            CCD                 Crooked Cruster Pics
30    7  Timo                  Jackie Chan         
31    6  Fat God               Titus               IND
32    6  Knight                Evrimsson           IND
33    4  Strange World         Time Rider          The Realtime-Crew
34    3  Selfportrait Ruler    Ruler               Pop 2 Pop
35    3  Cyberwoman            Makno               Crux & Bad Karma
36    3  Bekifft               DJ Jensen           FBK
1  283  Ninjaforce MegaDemo  Ninjaforce
2  276  Chocolate Autobahn   Adam Parry
3  255  Obsterscherzbrief    In-Sect
4  180  Stiftung Warentest   United Chonks
5   66  Bruchwurst!          Accept Party Posse
6   59  X-Treme              Sven Tornow
7   59  Tankstellenbande!    Birdhouse Projects
8   44  Abspacken! Pt. I-VI  Rigor Mortis
    These are the Official TG97 results brought to you by Wobba/Crusaders
                            TG97 in raw numbers...
   983|     14|       CNCD vs. Orange by cncd
   725|      4|              robotnik by rage
   705|     15|           Astral Blur by tbl
   431|      3|               Outside by melon/scoop
   429|      9|               outcast by dr.dyregod&ko
   378|      5|       The final hindu by maak^tpf
   328|      1|                 M.A.3 by recreation
   322|     13|                Petrol by aurum
   312|      7|       jakoob by fudGe by fudge
   297|      8|What TG did to KajAnia by kajania
   187|     10|              delirium by sorrox
   170|      2|  The Search for Steve by co&superbong
   144|     11|              Hot Hoff by session
   107|      6|               Twisted by sublevel 3
    68|     12|              Freewear by phoenix
  1752|     17| Captured Dreams -- The Black Lotus by the black lotus
   652|      7|                   Exit Planet Dust by c-lous + artwork
   364|     10|                    Deus Ex Machina by limited edition
   349|      4|                            Eclipse by triumph
   307|      2|                             Energy by gods
   247|     16|          Black Hair Tounge Disease by ward
   221|     12|                Ephidrena - Abiotic by ephidrena
   220|      1|                       Needle Freak by massive/rape
   220|      3|                            assfart by apathy
   214|     13|                              Snack by spaceballs
   209|      6|                     espen bredesen by orange
   176|     14|                             .plong by contraz
   117|      5|                         PowerDeath by procyon
   115|     11|                         Hale-bop-p by elefantklubben
   105|      8|                            PcPuke! by procyon
    65|     15|                   Magic Milktunnel by donut fetish
    64|      9|                      Find yourself by smellon design
  1557|      3|Intel Outside v.1.01.875.1RC2 Build 1351 by limited edition
   642|      8|                            The Wobblers by triumph
   467|      7|                             Firestarter by procyon
   373|      5|                               Apparatus by coma
   318|     45|                               Razta-Man by softology
   270|      1|                              con-fuused by tpolm
   249|      4|                              mild chill by coma
   229|     35|                              Das A-Team by contraz
   221|     18|                               lobodance by fascination
   212|     21|                             Motorsagaen by tpf
   166|     42|                                   Baeae by phobic
   163|     34|            Totalt Hindu by rECTUM cAUDA by maak^tpf
   162|     33|                Kontraster 2 - en ny giv by the lost souls
   151|     11|                          Give Me Motion by vision 3
   149|      9|          Hamar domkirke i middelalderen by intellus
   121|     14|                          World of Wodka by trsi^fairlight
   119|      6|                                Toytrain by ?
   118|     29|                           Twisted Minds by ?
   118|     10|                               Time Wave by vision 3
   112|     16|                             Ship & Gill by trinity/atc
   106|      2|    Txt2Dir converter! by XCene/tpf^maak by maak^tpf
   103|     31|                              Kill Gates by probity
    98|     26|                               Hale-Bopp by massive
    96|     24|                                rOACHING by tundra
    83|     15|                            Super TutTut by talent
    79|     13|                              Pure BASIC by ?
    76|     32|                      It came from Pluto by elq
    54|     30|                     Nettverk & Nettherk by isabella
    51|     36|                        cHRIZ iN dA hOOD by apt,e!,ist,msv,rpe
    50|     43|                               Wild 3d!! by cmy,sys-x32
    48|     41|                             The Revenge by ephidrena
    48|     19|                           m o n d i a l by peachnut dev.
    39|     17|                           TG97 Mainlogo by ?
    35|     39|                              Odd Gunnar by ephidrena
    34|     37|                              Giraffdemo by team giraff
    32|     22|                        VTUN RAiSiO CiTY by essex
    27|     23|                                  broken by coma
    26|     25|                            Shit Happens by ems-design
    25|     28|                       hippleifhurapleif by ?
    23|     38|                              16 FINGERS by tracktoe
    22|     27|                                     JFK by ems-design
    14|     20|                                THE DEMO by p!n productions
     7|     44|                             MultiStudio by ?
     0|     40|                             another TRY by darklite
   711|     11|                            gene by fudGe
   574|      3|             arabi from da bronx by tpolm
   565|      8|                         Face it by jello
   497|      2|           Ocean by rECTUM cAUDA by maak^tpf
   372|      9|          rECTUM cAUDA - sKOGEN. by orchide
   343|     16|  AMIGA 64K INTRO FROM DA JORMAS by onyx
   341|      4|                 Prove You Wrong by recreation
   331|     13|                           Onion by yodel
   326|     15|                    More or Less by beam&nocturnal
   215|      1|                            DALT by proxima
   200|      7|                       Dual 4kb! by tbl
   190|     10| monochrome life in the nineties by tundra
   190|      6|                        Nocturne by giants
   133|     12|                     Quick Lunch by extatic
   104|      5|                            RoBo by ?
   103|     17|                         ability by vector
    97|     14|                         DoorMat by ?
   655|      5|     Plastic Nudity by jisemdu of proxima/tpolm & caramel/fsn
   629|      3|   Sunset in Africa by silencer of sotu
   342|      4|          Im Coming by melwyn of acid rain
   337|     25|        Its a dream by bullet of thefriedchickens
   314|     14|     clean air (xm) by orbiter of dna
   279|     27|    Virtual Reality by basic energy of tec & cc
   278|      2| Carbondioxide 7-11 by vinnie of spaceballs
   273|     20|      Im not bad... by phelix of yodel
   265|     12|      Frozen Dreams by sphair of tga
   265|      7|       blue bay bar by zauron of idx.maak.tpolm.pimp
   243|     10|            Tolkien by wain of loop
   233|      1|     westcoastdaria by poison of goto10
   221|     15|    infront Reality by dr.tassel of laban
   219|      8|             Stativ by scott of spaceballs
   213|      9|             Stoned by martyn (kalasbux) of pooh
   177|      6|      PERSIAN ANGEL by wasted of ?
   176|     13|   korean fantasies by boo of talent
   174|     19|    Heard It Before by epithal of limited edition
   167|     23|          Rivendell by skize of limited edition
   167|     18|       Dream Access by silver of net gen./tundra/subkult
   160|     28|     tHE Experience by ?
   151|     22|Physical Attraction by psycho of session
   135|     16|      Gettin Groovy by hackman of image dreams
   133|     26|           Wit_Down by jason of crusaders
   126|     24|           Optimize by clone of spin
   121|     17|             Norlyn by yolk of cncd
   120|     11|         Highlander by radiance of massive
    42|     21|     The Horserace! by kezoomer of the lost souls
   795|      6| Angelic Particles by louie of tbl
   591|     12|    Sweet and sour by tmk of inf
   546|      3|             Katka by saffron of the black lotus
   442|      1|       Triceratops by typhoon of gods
   406|      2|         Cybergirl by response of darklite
   366|      8|           saaolla by mike of byterapers
   364|     20|     tjo bing beng by sunday of proxima
   356|     13| Heavenly creature by melmoth of ?
   273|     19|             Cosmo by stoney of hidrena
   268|     17|       Ace Stanley by skize of limited edition
   236|     10|          Hashrami by ?
   200|      9|            Smerte by ?
   197|     18|      The Dreaming by pix of subspace
   174|     15|    Fantasy Flower by loaderror of ephidrena&dnf
   165|      5|       philterfrog by phelix of yodel
   160|     14|            jakoob by echo of fudGe
   154|     16|      Nightowl.gif by boo of talent
   145|     11|            Troett by ?
   127|      7|             Steel by jerry of rebels
    83|      4|             GLORY by wain of loop
PC/Amiga Fast Intro
   900|      2|          Trekant med Eli Rygg. Igjen. by sorrox
   604|      8|kameruun norgesnack! (by rECTUM cAUDA) by tpolm&pimp
   427|      3|                              FoodYoyo by maak^tpf
   381|      4|            lutefisk .. loff til ole 2 by portablephun
   266|     11|                                   Mat by n/a
   237|      9|                                  Food by -
   210|      6|                           Norge & Mat by dureks
   204|      1|                          Food Anarchy by darklite
   195|      7|                                   Mat by beam
   165|      5|                                 Norje by braindead
   128|     10|                              FastDemo by n/a
   605|      3|                     Bubble by cortex/index
   489|      5|Humle by piffi/rECTUM cAUDA by xcene/maak^tpf
   395|      1|                       Fade by zien
   361|      2|                    Bumptro by sunday/proxima
   325|      7|                   born fat by bizarre/anakata
   294|      4|                    pOOHWER by malkavian/pooh
   283|      8|                        PGP by zimmerman??
   274|      6|                      float by bizarre/anakata
   187|      9|                          a by bizarre/anakata
   978|      2| TEXTATIC by basic energy of tec & cc
   969|      6|    M.A.3 by spector of recreation
   887|      3|     TEXT by $volkraq of gollum
   647|      4|  BAMBINO by intellius of bamboosh
   563|      1|    Kube? by merliin of p!n
   324|      5|Iku Seven by melwyn of acid rain
         Motorola Inside 1997 - Party information dated 17.03.1997
                      Motorola Inside 1997 - The Survivor
                                arranged by
               freezers - scoopex - network - o'moses - spedes
           The  Party  will  be  held 27.-30.6.1997 in Lahti.  The
           partyplace will be the Lahti's watertower.  It normally
           serves   as   a  restaurant  and  as a sighttower.  The
           restaurant  has  about  150  to 200 places.  This means
           that we have about 120 computerplaces.
           Getting  electricity is  always a problem so take extra
           leads  and you won't be disappointed if there isn't for
           some reason enough plugs for all.
           The  price  of  the ticket is 50FIM if you reserve your
           ticket and 75FIM if you buy it from the partyplace.  We
           have only a limited amount of computer places so please
           reserve yours if you wan't to be sure to fit in.
           The  watertower  is  about 3km from the railway station
           but you can take a bus (10FIM) infront of it and you'll
           get to 500 meter away from the watertower.
 - Doors will be opened on Friday at 7:00 pm and closed on Sunday at 12:00. -
We don't have much rules but these few are important!
      (1) No PCs allowed at the partyarea
      (2) You're only allowed to destroy PCs at the partyarea, not anything
          else or you'll have to pay for your mistakes.
      (3) You aren't allowed to be heavily drunk at the partyarea
      (4) All drinks must be hidden as cops might come to make a visit...
      (5) We won't take any responsibilities of possible illegal software
         Amiga demo (A4000,060,32mb)
         Amiga classic demo (A500)
         Amiga intro (A4000,060,32mb)
         Amiga music (Octamed soundstudio)
         Amiga graphics
         (Amiga realtime graphics)
Amiga demo:
Demos  will  be  run on a A4000,060,32mb but they HAVE TO work on a 030,50Mhz.
The  maximum  running  length is 10 min, it has to be quitable by mouse and it
must not write to the hard drive.
Amiga classic:
Demos  will  be  run  on  a  A500 with only 512kb extramem and kickstart 2.05.
Classics  must  also  work  on  an  AGA machines.  Classics must be on a self-
booting disk.
Amiga intro:
Intros  will be run on the same machine as demos and they also have to work on
030,50Mhz.   The  maximum  running  length  is 5 min, it has to be quitable by
mouse and it isn't allowed to write to the hard drive.
Amiga music:
Musics  will  be  played  with  the  newest version of Octamed Soundstudio, so
multichannels are allowed (and even suggested).
Amiga graphics:
Any format in PAL-mode.  Scanned pictures will be excluded!!!
Realtime graphics:
We'll do this if we have enough time.  In this compo you have 25 min.  to draw
and after that pictures will be judged.
The party will be organized by the Finnish Amigians ry.
         So...Amiga, back for the future!!!!!!!!!!
   For more information and register:
Claustro/Delicate    phone: (foreigns) +358 40 580 7855
Toni Walther               (Finns)        040 580 7855
Vapaudenkatu 12 a 7
15100 Lahti
The Hooligan/Freezers
Mikko Virtanen
Urpupolku 6 a 17
15240 Lahti
Splatterhead/Scoopex phone: (Finns)   03-7346636
Vesa Kivisilta
PL 62
15141 Lahti

Juha Korhonen
Maitikankatu 8
15230 Lahti
Other e-Mails:
Jani Rajaniemi:
Jukka Ilmonen:
Aki Happonen:
(foreign) +358 3 583 0201
(Finns)        03 583 0201
channel #amigafin  ->     @Rajis @Claustro @Cheesus @Vergo
   .                                           support speed at these addy's:
 _\ __ ______________________________________ _       speed staff
   \\/                                      ___.      ul.polna 63/5
    \        /\___ ____/\ ____/\ ____/\  ___)  |      21-200 parczew
     \      /  __/_)  _  \)  _  \)  _  \/  _   |      poland
      \ t0!_\___      /      ___/   ___/   \   |e^D
      _\   \_______   _________________________|      or
     \            |___|
      \                    nah-kolor (¢) 1997         jacool
        ·                                             os.piastow sl 1/69
                                                      47-100 strzelce opolskie
             disks back with new speed                poland
   filled votesheet for SPEED CHARTS send to me, jacool or one of official
   sloody/SILICON+NETWORK    keldon/GIANTS          korball/DINX PROJECT
   belloni laurent           kenneth fajkowski      przemyslaw korpysz
   7, rue de riquewihr       arvesgarde 30          niedzialkowskiego 47/8
   68200 mulhouse            41744 gothenburg       41800 zabrze
   france                    sweden                 poland
   def/FLOPPY                blunt/TALENT         melon/NAH-KOLOR+MYSTIC
   andy nowinski             hank  wijnholds        martin banasiak
   p.o. box 9                martkade  110          p.o. box 720
   01125 warszawa 102        9581 aw musselkanaal   58105 swidnica
   poland                    holland                poland
   luke pieczara             more collectors in other countries wanted!
   p.o. box 8705
   91494 lodz 87
    _____      _______   _______ ._____. _______   _____    ._____. _______/_
  ./  __(____./       \./   _   \|     |_   _   \./  __(____|     |_      /
  |   \      |    7    |    /    |     _/   _    |   \      |     _/     /
  |__________|_________|___/     |     |____/    |__________|     |     /
    tF!/u'R!              /______|_____|   /_____|          |_____|    /
                                          c  o  n  t  a  c  t        /
                \    n  a  h     k  o  l  o  r
   ______   ______ .____.        .___.             .____.
 ./  _   \./  _   \|    |_____   |   |_____ ______ |    |   ______   _______
 |   /    |   _    |   _     /   |   /    //      \|   _|__/      \._\___   \
 |__/     |___/    |___/    /    |   \    \   7    |      /   7    |   _(   /.
   /______|  /_____|  /____/     |___|\____\_______|_____/_________|___\_____|
          _ _________\_                                              tF!/u'R!
                                  b l a z e
                            ul. p o l n a  6 3 / 5
                          2 1 - 2 o o  p a r c z e w
                                 p o l a n d
                                    q b a
                             ul. c h o p i n a  4
                         1 2 - 1 o o  s z c z y t n o
                                 p o l a n d
                                  m e l o n
                              p. o. b o x  7 2 0
                         5 8 - 1 o 5  s w i d n i c a
                                 p o l a n d
                                  m a g i c
                          s p e f u w e n l a a n  6
                         1 7 4 2  g p  s c h a g e n
                                h o l l a n d
     |       |                            |              |             |
     | place | handle/group               |     size     |    items    |
     |       |                            |              |             |
     |   1.  | majkel/venture             |   355,000    |      8      |
     |   2.  | splatterhead/scoopex       |   353,000    |      2      |
     |   2.  | big-rat/abyss+ethic        |   334,000    |      2      |
     |   3.  | flapjack/appendix          |   312,000    |      8      |
     |   4.  | guma/ambrosia+amnesty      |   239,000    |      1      |
     |   5   | decoy/passion+puzzle       |   234,000    |      8      |
     |   6.  | devistator/abyss           |   230,000    |      2      |
     |   7.  | punisher/instinct          |    66,000    |      2      |
     |       |                            |              |             |
                                      _ __:_
      ____  ______ _______ _______ __|    |___ __  _______ ____   _____
   ___\ _/__\_   /_\_    /_\_    /_\__    __/____)_\_    /_\ _/___\  _/___
   \    \_  _/  /   /___/   /___/    |    |         /   /    \_   _\     /
  /_________\____\___________________| ___|________/____\_________________\
              Blaze / NAH-KOLOR+FLOPPY send his best regards to:
                                A-Down/DECK 6
                            Ace/UNION+FRIENDS ZONE
                            Base/PHUTURE 303+KINKY
                      Black Dragon/HONOO+LIMITED EDITION
                               Black Fire/NEXUS
                          Boobba/SECTOR 5+AZKBEERIES
                     Carp/PHUTURE 303+STROBE+FRIENDS ZONE
                            Coma/THREE LITTLE ELKS
                              Ctp/MAWI+LINK 124
                            Curt Cool/DEPTH+KINKY
                       Deus Docet/RAVE NETWORK OVERSCAN
                            Dr.Szach/DINX PROJECT
                            Emer/STAGE DIVING CLUB
                               Franc/DARK TEAM
                           Hangman/COSMIC WOODHEADS
                               Iceman/SECTOR 5
                            Iglo/STAGE DIVING CLUB
                           Jacool/STAGE DIVING CLUB
                                 Jim/SECTOR 5
                              Kalreg/ETERNAL PC
                             Kaos Master/RAM JAM
                              Ko$mi/DINX PROJECT
                     Korball/DINX PROJECT+APATHY+AMNESTY
                               Lfo/PHUTURE 303
                         Madel/RAVE NETWORK OVERSCAN
                          Magellan/ROYAL+PHUTURE 303
                             Matya/THE GUARDIANS
                                Mister No/ABS
                           Nemesis/DIGITAL+LINK 124
                            Olka/STAGE DIVING CLUB
                              Otton/HIGH VOLTAGE
                               Pila/HLOR DEZING
                             Qix/FLYING COWS INC.
                               Raptor/SECTOR 5
                      Rooster/SUNSHINE PRODUCTIONS+HEAD!
                           Sagrael/ex.DINX PROJECT
                          Sleeper/STAGE DIVING CLUB
                       Speed Devil/SUNSHINE PRODUCTIONS
                                Steel/SECTOR 5
                     Subtopia/LIMITED EDITION+PLANET CORE
                          Tft/RAVE NETWORK OVERSCAN
                           The Founder/SCUM+U'RACE
                            The Hooligan/FREEZERS
                          The King/ex.EROTIC DESIGN
                          The Specialist/INDEPENDENT
                                 Vega/RAM JAM
                    Zany/PHUTURE 303+RAVE NETWORK OVERSCAN
                           Zounds/FLYING COWS INC.
                       and to all rest who's i know...
                                 _ ________________________________/_
                       t  o  d  a  y     m  e  s  s  a  g  e  s  /
          ___  ___              ____       ____  _ ______       /___
        ./   \/   \._______   ./ __(______/ __(______    \_____/ __(______
        |    \/    |      /___|_____     /_____     /\    \   /_____     /
        |    /     |  7__/    /___i/    /____i/    /|        //___i/    /
         tF!/______|_________/    /____/     /____/ |_______/     /__ u'R!
                                                          _/______ _
                                 f  r  o  m  :           /
                           blaze / nah-kolor+floppy 
                    guma/ambrosia+amnesty+cosmic woodhouse
                          acid / dinx project+apathy
                                hawk / giants
                           jim / stage diving club
                            coma/three little elks
                               czarny / skulls
                           curt cool / depth+k!nky
                              boobba / sector 5
                 some messages from blaze / nah-kolor+floppy
to: all 
If you didn't got any life form sign from me longer than a month, this must be
post!  In this case don't hesistate anymore and send to me a re-contact letter
and  we'll  continue our swapping time like once...  Ofcourse my post is still
suck,  so don't fake stamps to me, please.  Oh, and if you want to contact me,
don't wait no longer, write!  But only friendly/elite persons please...
to: A-Down/DECK 6
Powiem tylko jedno: list wjebalo! :)
A  great  delay, or maybe you are dead?  Since July'96 I don't have any letter
from you...  Write soon!
Milo  Cie  bylo  na  party poznac, to chyba Twoje pierwsze, prawda?  I jak sie
podobalo?   :)  Chcialbym poznac Twoje opinie w przyszlym liscie, mam nadzieje
ze bedzie jak najszybciej!
Sorki  za  szkielka,  juz  wiecej  nie  bede...   A  w  rekompensacie  za tyle
nieprzyjemnych wypadkow spowodowanych tymze zdarzeniem, masz piwo na nastepnym
party.   No i rysuj dalej, bo zajebiscie Ci to wychodzi!  Prosze panstwa, nowy
Lazur rosnie!
to: Adonis/IRIS
Well,  you has reply on my contacting letter, I reply too, and what?  Silence?
Write something soon, if this isn't a post...
to: Badboy/GIANTS
Thanks  for your great letter, as always!  And for things which I request, you
are great mate!  :) My letter soon, so wait!
to: Base/PHUTURE 303+K!NKY
I  sent  to  you  a  re-contact  letter.  I hope, that you still want to be
contact  with me and that you will send something to me soon!  Be yourself,
fuck the post!  :)
to: Bigrat/ABYSS+ETHIC
Thanks  for  answer  and  last  issue  of 'X-Files'!  I put its to 24 issue of
'Speed',  I  hope that you are happy now :O And write something soon, ok?  You
have been at Symposium'97?
Hello  my  french friend!  I heard, that you will buy a modem, suck!  Remember
my  letter  and  this, what you have write in your?  So keep this slogan!  And
I'm waiting for new LED's releases...
to: Black Fire/NEXUS
Oj,  nieciekawie  z  tym  NEXUSEM.   Ja  bym  tam  kodera  wyjebal, ale rob co
chcesz...  Modulki zondzom ofkoze, ale tylko te dobre!  :) No i kiedy wreszcie
wymarzony sprzet bedzie w domu stal, eh?
Hank,  my  friend...   You've  reply  on my re-contact letter, but you make an
another delay for me!  Internet sucks, so write a one of your great letters to
me!  And don't forget about next issue of 'Too Hot' ofcourse...
to: Boobba/SECTOR 5
Hitbit  rzondzi  jak chuj, ale oczywiscie Virgill'owi naskoczyc nie moze.  Tym
razem  na  szczescie  wszystko bez problemow odczytalem, z wyjatkiem dwoch czy
trzech modulow, dyski byly skopane :) Anyway, liscior wysylam niedlugo, pewnie
nawet z tym 'Speedem' :) Pozdrow Gulpa i popros o logoski!
to: Bubba/IRIS
Czesc  Jakub,  jak  leci?  Standardowo nic od Ciebie dlugo nie mam, ale to juz
chyba  normalne  i  sie przyzwyczailem :) 'WOC'a' nowego od Digger'a dostalem,
takze sie nim zaopiekowalem, spoko.  Szkoda, ze na party Cie nie bylo...
Liscior  jakos niedawno poszedl, mam nadzieje, ze 'Speed' sie podobal!  Logosy
te co o nie prosilem, mam nadzieje, ze zrobisz hihi...
Still in FRIENDS ZONE?  You have right, that UK section haven't any fututre...
Ofcourse  I'm  waiting  for  new  STROBE magazine, send me this when will have
Another  delay,  or maybe post?  I don't think so, becouse you also don't fake
stamps...   Oh, SCOOPEX's demo from Symposium is a really nice!  Write soon my
to: Celtic/AXIS+JETSET
How  are  you?   Long  time without a letter, what's happend?  I know, I know,
coding  is  more  important  hehe...  But from time to time, you could write a
letter, don't you?
Hello  Anders!   Thanks  ofcourse  for  answer, I've send you next letter some
weeks ago.  Remember:  now your turn!
Hmmm,  3LE  didn't  release anything at TG'97 as you promises.  Sad :) I hope,
that  you  will  working  above something!  And could you make a another great
tune for my pack?
to: Cook/DEFINE
Tutaj  tez  standardowo  dilej,  ale co tam.  Mam nadzieje, ze obedzie sie bez
kartki hihi..  Pisz cos kurwa!
to: Crusader/SESSION
Hello  Jane!  I've sent you some days ago a postcard, I hope that now you will
write   a  letter  to  your  polish  friend...   Internet  is  so  boooooring,
traditional mailtrading rulez forever!
to: Ctp/MAWI
Eh,  sam  widziales jaki na party bylem.  Takze nie miej do mnie zalu, ze paru
rzeczy nie pamietam :) A piwo to sam Ci postawie, tak w zadoscuczynieniu!
to: Curt Cool/DEPTH+K!NKY
Hi!   I hope, that you received a letter, with 6 disks of modules hehe.  And I
hope, that you will send me a new issue of 'Eurocharts' fastest as possible!
to: Czarny/SKULLS
Jak widac, znow mnie namowiles na te mesagi :) Dla kolegi szanownego wszystko.
Oczywiscie,  czekam  na  'Bambo',  mam  nadzieje, ze bedzie zajebiste!  Moduly
zondzom, slij dalej!  Czy to prawda, ze w ABYSS jestes?
to: Damion/ARTWORK
Well mate, ARTWORK rules.  Two demos at two party's in these same days, great!
Only i must got them :) Anyway, i hope, that new 'Generation' will be soon!
to: Danthy/NEXUS
Znalazles  grupke,  kuhl.   Ale stac Cie chyba na cos lepszego...  Anyway, mam
nadzieje, ze zebro sie zrosnie i bedziesz dalej moduly trzaskal jak kiedys!  I
teraz chyba bedziesz uwazal, gdzie wlazisz :)
to: Darkhawk/IRIS
And how you like a last FLOPPY's demo?  Great, I know :) I hope, that you will
send  me  something  from IRIS now, I'm waiting!  And tell to Adonis, that I'm
waiting for his letter, ok?
to: Dave
Hej  misiu,  jak zyjesz?  Mam nadzieje, ze doly juz przeszly i dalej trzaskasz
modulki,  jak  kiedys...  List mam nadzieje, ze tez doszedl, bo kurwa jak nie,
to sam sie zalamie :) Podeslij cos nowego!
Hello  Danni,  thanks  for  your  great  sending, as always!  I hope, that you
enjoyed  a  last  FLOPPY demo hehe.  And when be a new issue of 'Dansktoppen',
to: Def/FLOPPY
Czesc  Andriej,  mam  nadzieje,  ze sie zbytnio za mna nie steskniles.  Kurde,
jakos  tak  nie  chce  mi  sie  pisac,  wole sobie zadzwonic czy cos.  Anyway,
pozdrow Thorusa i reszte bydla ze Stolicy...
Santoro,  my  friend!   I  hope, that you pass all exams...  And that you will
back  to  swapping  bussines  soon  as possible!  Congratulate your new group,
to: Devistator/ABYSS
Thanks  for  answer  mate!  I hope, that you liked a last FLOPPY production...
Ofcourse  traditional  swapping rules, internet and so on sucks :) I'm waiting
for your next great letter!
to: Digger/IRIS
27  baniek, zajebiscie.  Mnie to by chyba wyjebali z domu przez okno.  Pomysl:
oplacalo sie?  Lepiej chyba sobie kupic jakies 060 i inne pierdoly do Amigi...
A nie jakis modem zasrany.  Pisz teraz szybciorem!
to: Digital/SCUM
Pan  muzyk do mnie nie pisze juz dlugi czas, prawda?  A czemu, to ja kurwa nie
wiem...   Albo  sie  na mnie wypial, albo sobie dal siana ze swapem, albo znow
list wjebalo.  Eeee, pewnie to pierwsze :)
Osiemnastka byla kuhl, tylko za bardzo nic z niej nie pamietam.  Widzisz, wole
wodke niz Ciebie :)
to: Drf/VENAL
Standardowo  dilej,  no  ale kto by tam wnikal...  'Lifeforce' jest dobry, ale
napewno  chowa sie przy 'SDV' czy 'Psycholu'.  Wiecej pracy, a pewnie cos Ci z
tego wyjdzie...
Hello  my friend!  Long time without letter from you, what's wrong?  I've send
a  re-contact letter some weeks ago, still silence...  Please, write something
to your polish friend soon, ok?  I'm waiting!
Hi Mathieu, my modulesmate :) Always it's nice to receive a new package with 6
disks  of  modules,  I'm  right?  So please, after reading this message, write
something  to me, save a modules and send a letter!  Will be nice...  And when
will be next production from SYNDROME, eh?
to: Emer
Jak  sie szybko nie odezwiesz, ze Stejdzow lecisz.  Kurwa, wiecej jak pol roku
dileja, jak tak mozna?  Ja wiem, ze studia i wogole, ale bez przesady!
to: Excel/BALANCE
I  heard,  that  you drop a swapping activity.  Sorry, but maybe I got my disk
back, eh?  And ofcourse I wish you good luck with your Internet experience :)
As  always  a  little  delay,  but  who  care...   I hope, that I will receive
something from you soon!
to: Fame/FLOPPY
Kurde, Slawek, od czasu do czasu moglbys cos napisac brzydalu...  A grafika do
'Freaka' juz mi nie potrzebna :), mam nadzieje, ze nie malujesz jej wlasnie...
Kiedy slajdszol?
to: Flapjack/APPENDIX
Brzydalu  jeden, czemu nie chcesz przyjechac?  Wiem, wiem, ciutke za daleko...
Ale  mam nadzieje, ze na BUD'97 przyjedziesz napewno, zrobimy Defolotowi chlew
w domu! :)
to: Franc/DARK TEAM
Mam  nadzieje, ze do konca syfu zostalo Ci juz niewiele czasu, i ze wrocisz na
scene i do swappingu...  Ofkoze jak Ci tam jajec nie oberwali :)
Well,  I'm  waiting for new issue of DISC!  And one more...  You thinked about
my proposal?  Don't forget about that in next your letter to me...
to: Gooral
Cos  mi  Flap  mowil, ze do matury zasuwasz.  Dobrze, nie pij tyle, bo mozg Ci
calkiem zmieknie i co bedzie?  Nic do niego nie wejdzie...  I pisz cos, kurwa.
to: Growl/APATHY
In  last time I heard, that you are back on the scene.  Great, I hope that you
will write to me soon!
Czesc Opona :) Mam nadzieje, ze 'Speed' sie spodobal, ze Raze'owi podeslales i
wszyscy  sa szczesliwi.  No i dzieki za jego moduly, pewnie sam sobie do niego
niedlugo  cos  napisze...  Zobaczymy.  Acha, ta Wasza czterokilowa z Symposium
zabija doslownie!
Ja  dysku  nie  zajebalem,  wjebalo.   Pomijajac fakt, ze i tak byl moj hihi..
Anyway, jesli chcesz sie dalej meczyc, napisz.  Chociaz wiekszego sensu to nie
ma jak co miesiac nam gina te przesylki...
to: Hardfire/NGC+INTENSE
Well,  at  last  in  contact hehe.  You see, polish post and esspecially in my
town is very, very stupid.  I don't receive even reply on my contacting letter
from you!  But now i hope everything will be ok.  See you!
to: Hawk/GIANTS
Hello  my  friend!   Thanks for great letters, as always hehe...  Ofcourse I'm
waiting  for  more  and more, I hope that soon!  And thanks for article, maybe
you could write more, eh?  I'll very grateful!
to: Iceman/SECTOR 5
Juz  za  dzien matura...  Nie, troszke wiecej, ale widac uczysz sie pilnie, bo
cosik  nie  piszesz.  Albo sie zasiedziales w tej kafei internetowej, co chyba
jest  jeszcze  gorsze.   Kurwa, ludziom odjebalo na tym punkcie, mi nie, i sie
ciesze :) A Ty pisz matolku!
to: Iglo
Iglo tu, Iglo tam, Iglo iglo zrobi nam :) Hle, mam nadzieje, ze mnie teraz nie
zaruchasz  za  ten wierszyk.  Piekna by tego nie chciala...  Moze by tak jakis
liscik, co?  Ladnie prosze...
to: Immortal/FREEZERS
Z  FLOPPY  nic  nie  wyszlo  jak widzisz, nie moja zreszta to wina.  Nie ja tu
decyduje  :+  Tak czy inaczej, moze bym tak jakis list dostal, co?  Zajebiscie
by po prostu bylo...
A  co tam u Pana slychac?  Dalej klonowe dema sie oglada i szaleje na piecyku?
Przynajmniej  cieplo  w  pokoju, bo zima jakos caly czas trwa i nie chce sobie
pojsc...  Na list bynajmniej czekam, a co mi tam...
to: Insert/ABSENCE
Moj  ulubiony  teraz..   I  co,  kurwa, ulzylo Ci jak pierdoly powypisywales w
'Provocatorze'?   Widac,  ze  zazrdosny,  bo  probowal  przeciwnika pojebanymi
argumentami  zjechac...   Zreszta, spierdalaj lamerze i niech Ci dzieci piekne
urosna  (po  promieniowaniu  ktore  sie  z  tego Twojego pieca nowego wydobywa
bedzie to bardzo prawdopodobne :).
to: Jacool
Mam  nadzieje,  ze zaraz tu sie nam wszystko ulozy, i bedziem w jednej grupie.
Wogole to dzieki za lista, nawet tak szybko ostatnio, ze sie sam zdziwilem :)
to: Jakec/NIPSON
A  tutaj  tez  echo, list prawie napewno jeblo.  Sux kurwa, dziesiec dyskow...
Ale, mam nadzieje, ze sie na mnie jeszcze nie wypiales i cos kiedys napiszesz.
to: Jim
Jak  z  poszukiwaniem  grupki?  Slyszalem ostatnio, ze sie zalapales tam gdzie
chciales hihi...  Zajebiscie, czekaj na list :)
to: Kalreg
A  z  obiecanego  listu kupa, chociaz dysk odeslij jak tak bardzo Ci sie stary
kolega znudzil, a zafascynowal nowy.  Klony sux!
to: Kaos Master/RAM JAM+TRSi RECORDZ
I  sent to you a re-contact letter.  I hope, that you still want to be contact
with  me  and  that you will send something to me soon!  Be yourself, fuck the
post!  :)
to: Keldon/GIANTS
Hello  Kenneth!   I  hope,  that  you  are  happy  from  my last sending hehe.
Ofcourse write before release an next issue of 'TNT', becouse I have some more
collected votes for charts hehe...  And how you like a last FLOPPY production?
And you could write a bit faster?
to: Kestrel/SYNDROME
Hmm,  I'm  bad, really bad.  You've reply on my re-contact letter, but this is
seems  to  be work of post again!  Tell me, that this isn't true, that this is
only  delay  from  your side.  Fuck, I lost again many my contacts...  Please,
re-contact with me soon, please!
to: Kismat/APATHY
Chociaz  jeden  szybki  swapper  w Polsce :) Kurde, tylko tak dalej, a napewno
deleko  zajedziesz  hihi...   Oczywiscie,  Twoje  poetyckie listy rzondzom jak
chuj!  I czekaj na slajdszola FG, bedzie czad i zabijemy wszystkich...
A  ja  wogole  nie  wiem, czy Ty jeszcze zyjesz.  Pewnie sobie zadzwonie jakos
niedlugo,  zeby  sie  dowiedziec  co  u  Pana  slychac...   Jedno  jest pewne:
bedziesz na nastepnym party bity jak chuj!
Praca az tak wciagnela, ze listow pisac nie mozesz?  Wez no Arturku napisz cos
od czasu do czasu...  Acha, milo Cie bylo spotkac na party!
Mam nadzieje, ze 'Seenpointa' podeslesz tylko jak dostaniesz go od Fishwave'a.
Licze na to, bo pewnie sie slabo rozspriduje snailem hihi..
to: Kovy/UNION
A  od Ciebie to tez nie ma nic w chuj czasu.  Czyzby poczta?  Eeee, nie wydaje
mi  sie,  bo  sporo  ludziuf  sie o Ciebie dopytuje...  Pisz wiec szybko leniu
to: Lfo/PHUTURE 303
Hello  Paul!   What  a  ugly  delay...  Six months without any letter?  It's a
really  ugly from you side.  And when will be a next issue of 'Subculture'?  I
hope, that I'll got this from you fastest as possible...
to: Lithium/GODS
Hello  my  friend,  always  nice to getting your letters!  Thanks ofcourse for
this  last one, esspecially for requesting DISC issues.  You are great hehe...
I hope, that you will support 'Speed' in some interesting warez...
I  co  z  tym  party  w  Szczecinie?   Bedzie,  czy nie?  Czadowo by bylo, nie
powiem...   Wogole to tez byles troszke najebany w Czestochowie hihi.  Szkoda,
ze sie tak szybko zmyles (jak i wiekszosc uczestnikow), wytrzezwielibysmy obaj
i  moglibysmy  porozmawiac sobie o przewadze modemu nad poczta i internetu nad
snail-tradingiem...  Czy tez odwrotnie :) No i pisz cos soon, dobra?
A  na  party  to jednak byles, widac za slabo szukalem kurwa mac.  No nic, mam
nadzieje, ze nastepnym razem tez przyjedziesz, bo jakos ostatnio to tylko PS i
RH odwiedziles, a tak to nic.  Czekam tez na list, mam nadzeje, ze soon!#
to: Magellan/ROYAL+PHUTURE 303
What's terrible accident has your Amiga...  I hope, that you will buy new soon
and we'll still could swap as once...  Best regards!
to: Magic/NAH-KOLOR
I  hope,  that  you  received my last letter.  And that you read this :) Paper
letter sucks, you know?  And when will be a next issue of a 'Show Time'?
to: Majkel/VENTURE
Dzieki  za  list,  myslalem  nawet,  ze  go  wjebalo!   Bo  mowiles, ze szybko
napiszesz...    Anyway,   nowy  numer  zlozony,  dostajesz  go  jako  jeden  z
pierwszych!  Na siec panie, na siec.  Acha, ja tez mam Tool'a, nawet dwa :)
to: McRudi/MAWI
Dziendobry  Panu.  A jak sie Pan dzisiaj czuje?  Dobrze, nie ma kaca po party?
No  co  Ty,  po siedzeniu przed komputerem co najwyzej moga oczka bolec :) Tak
jak mnie teraz hihi..  Anyway, brzydalu jeden, czekam na list.
to: Meecash/THEFECT
Sorki  za  dilej, ale wiesz jak jest.  Rolepleje zondzom no i czasu na pisanie
nie  ma.   Trza  wybierac  miedzy  dwoma zajebistymi rzeczami.  Miedzy wodka a
rozmowa  tez.  Takze prosze nie pierdolic mi tu wiecej glupot, bo zostanie Pan
zajebany przez wszystkie hlorowate grupy na scenie...
to: Melfis/CIDER
I  hope,  that  you  liked  a  last  modules by Revisq...  He's a really great
musician, isn't?  Anyway, send something to me soon, ok?
Nareszcie  list.   Mam nadzieje, ze wszystko Ci sie jakos ulozy i do swappingu
to: Miko63
You  are  kicked out from IRIS, but from scene probably no.  So maybe you will
write  a nice letter to your polish friend and send its to him?  Would be nice
to: Mister No
Korball  told me, that you compile a next issue of 'Point&Rock'.  Kool, only I
must write to you now hehe...  My letter soon, be sure that!
When will be a 'Monument', eh?  I hope, that soon and this will be better than
'Miracle'  hehe...   Ofcourse  I  get letter from you, when a magazine will be
out.  Standard :)
to: Morino/THEFECT
Coz moge napisac, listek dostal? To niech pisze!
to: Muffler/HAUJOBB
Sad, that you leave a NAH-KOLOR team.  Sad is also this, that you don't give a
any  life  sign  from long, long time!  Write soon and send some your new nice
to: Napoleon/RAGE! STAFF
Hello  Emanuel,  I've send you some nice support for next issue of 'Rage!'.  I
hope, that you are enjoyed and maybe you will answer me now?  :)
to: Nemes!s/DIGITAL
I  heard,  that  you  are  in  polish  ascii  group,  LINK124  I  mean.  Cool,
congratulations.   I hope, that you will make a some nice logos for me hehe...
I  have some for you, maked by some other polish artists.  And I'm waiting for
first issue of 'Underworld'!
to: Noodle/HAUJOBB
Almost  year of delay, great.  I will send to you a re-contact letter soon, so
be prepare for this :)
to: Norman/ANADUNE
A  Pan  siedzi  takze cicho, czyzby az taka niechec do sceny?  Chociaz moglbys
podeslac  te  votki do 'Prawdy', policzylbym sobie troszke...  Wogole to kurwa
masz sie nie lamac, kto wtedy zostanie?  Scena rulez!
to: Noxis/PRIDE
Nareszcie  jakos normalnie mozemy sobie popisac...  Mam nadzieje, ze taki stan
sie utrzyma jeszcze przez jakis czas :)
to: Olka
Norman  mowil,  ze  cos  tam niedlugo napiszesz...  Wiem, ze masz mature, wiec
rozumiem,  ze  czasu  mozesz  nie  miec.   Szkoda  :)  Jednakze pewnie cos tam
znajdziesz dla starego Blejza, co?
to: Payday/REBELS
Thanks for support mate!  And what you think about continnue our swapping?

to: Pepson/OPIUM
Robim  PAB'97  jak  chuj.  Bedzie fajnie, zobaczysz...  Tylko trzeba szczegoly
wszystkie dopracowac, musi byc na glanc!
to: Phantom/SYNDICATE
Hello!  Long time without letter from you...  Probably post, but maybe you are
missed  a  motivation  or something.  Write one of your great letters and send
its to me!
to: Pickpoke/SCUM
Ty  wycieczkowiczu  jeden...   Szkoda,  ze na party nie byles, czadzik byl jak
jasna cholera.  Blejz sie napil, Flap sie napil, wszyscy sie napili.  Ciekawe,
czy  Pikus  na  wycieczce  tez?   Anyway, czekam na list i jakies nowe rysunki
Twego autorstwa...
Magazyn  chujowy  jak smok, ale w ostatecznosci, kiedy posucha na tego rodzaju
stafy  w  Polsce  jest  i  to mozna od biedy poczytac.  Mam nadzieje, ze teraz
bedzie wszystko grejt i poczta listow wiecej nie zajebie...
to: Point/APATHY
Hello  Alex!   Where  you  are, hmm?  Since January I don't have anything from
you.  Well, write soon and send a new issue of 'Implant' please!
to: Proton/SADIST
A do Ciebie to juz zdrowia nie mam wcale.  Obiecales na Gravity, ze napiszesz,
ze  tylko  taka  mala  przerwa  jest.  Na RH tez mowiles, ze juz piszesz, a tu
dupa...  Kurwa, list or die!  No i na 'DOSa' nowego czekam!
to: Punisher/INSTINCT
I saw in last time your first intro, released at some party in Norway.  Small,
but nice I think.  Ofcourse I'm waiting for more releases from your group, for
letter too!
Markus,  my  friend!   I've  think, that this is post ugly again, but this was
only  delay  hehe...   Well,  as always I've request some logos' for me and my
friends, I hope that you are happy!  :) And tell to Case78, React and Rooster,
that I'm still waiting...
Kurde,  wez  no  chociaz  Ty  sie nie lam, dobra?  I tak gupstwo popelniles :)
Anyway,  lista  wyslalem  kilka  dni temu, modulki ofkoze podeslij jak zawsze.
Tym  razem  wieksza lista requestow, a to dlatego, ze znow mi na techno ochota
przyszla :) No i tabaka zondzi!
Kurier  sie  znalazl  cholera  jasna  mac.  Szkoda Maciek, ze Cie na party nie
bylo,  czadzik  byl  niesamowity!   Hlory  z VP sie spily maxymalnie :), zaluj
wiec...  A i Dave w roli organizatora wygladal zajebiscie hihi..
Mam  nadzieje,  ze  Amige  sobie soon zrobisz.  Bo szkoda by bylo stracic taki
kontakt i co wazniejsze obiecujacego grafika...
to: Raptor/SECTOR 5
'8  Ohms' nowe pospridowalem, nawet fajnie wyglada!  Ale wciaz to nie to...
Mam nadzieje, ze niedlugo jakis list dostane, byloby milo!
to: React/HEAD!
Joeri,  my  friend,  you  are angry on me, or what?  Since November'96 I don't
have any letter from you.  Write soon and send a nice letter, as always!
to: Realitor/ex.ELTECH
ELTECH  is  dead  now,  but you probably don't care.  This is sad, that you've
drop  swapping  and coding for studying, but this is life, hard life.  Life is
bitch, isn't?
Witam  Patryka  One  hihi..   Wiesz,  trza  by bylo zebys do mnie napisal dosc
szybko,  mam  sprawe.   Dosc wazna zreszta...  Moze zadzwonie, jak soon nic od
Ciebie  nie  bedzie, zobacze zreszta.  I tak rachunek przyjdzie za marzec, ale
kto by tam wnikal.  I tak bedzie mniejszy niz Defa czy Diggera chociazby :)
More  than  half  of year without letter.  Post probably, but maybe you drop a
swapping  activity for modem?  This would be sucks.  I hope, that this is post
or delay only :) Anyway, write soon my friend!
to: Sagrael/ex.DINX PROJECT
No  i trza bylo z ta Marzena?  Nie wiem, ale ja sobie jakos tego nie wyobrazam
-  Sagrael  ma  zone!   Czad  doslownie...  Na party jakims, mam nadzieje, sie
to: Sas
I  almost  forgot  about  you...  Probably you've drop a swapping or scene, so
fuck you!
to: Sharp
Na  party  byles, jednak jakos nie mialem okazji sobie z Toba porozmawiac.  No
nic,  sprobujemy  to  nadrobic kiedys tam.  Dysk mam nadzieje odeslesz, a moze
ciagle na scenie, eh?
to: Sixpack/GODS
Well,  I heard, that you dropped swapping activity.  Sad, but I hope, that you
will send my disk back.  And when will be a new issue of 'DISC', hmm?
to: Skinner/ex.ELTECH
Probably  you are in the army now, so you couldn't read this message.  I hope,
that  you  will leave this institution soon and we will swap as once!  Will be
to: Sleeper
A  Ty  kurwa  wpierdol  zaraz  dostaniesz,  jak chuj dostaniesz.  Lista to juz
pewnie  od  wakacji  nie mam, moze wiecej nawet...  Pisz szybko, bo jak nie to
Sleeper zasnie na wiecznosc!  :)
Hi  my  friend!   Well, probably you got now a all releases from RH'97 and you
saw, that they're very small and poor :) I hope, that you will write something
to me soon, maybe with new issue of 'Pikaboo'?  Will be nice...
to: Snahe
A  Ty chyba tez juz nie zyjesz.  Tak szybko?  Bez jaj, panowie.  Ledwo zaczal,
a juz konczy.  Taka dzisiejsza scena jest niestety...  Dysk albo gin!
Look at message for Noodle or Rooster...
to: Splatterhead/SCOOPEX
Well, I see that you've back to the roots hehe..  SEPULTURA rules, isn't?
to: Steel
A  z  Toba  takze  nie  wiadomo  co sie dzieje.  Pila jakas sux jest, najpierw
Prince, teraz Ty?  Cook tez chyba ledwo dycha..  Chuj Ci w dupsko!
to: Substance/K!NKY+MONO
I  heard  some of your last modules, very good I think!  Would be better, when
I'll got a letter from you hehe...  Write something soon, ok?
You are dead too, I'm right?  Look message to Rooster for example...
to: Sundance/APPENDIX
Hello  mf!   Szkoda,  ze  na party Cie nie bylo, nie mialem z kim pogadac :) A
jakis  listek  czy  cos tez by sie przydal, wiesz?  No i maturke fajnie jakbys
zdal, mowie zawczasu, tak na wszelki wypadek...
to: Sweetvoice/SCUM
Problem  religii, wiary, w moim wypadku Satanizmu jest dosc delikatny, pomowmy
o  tym w zamknietych kregach.  List juz wkrotce!  Acha, nie zapomnij pisac bez
polskich znakow, pozniej jakies krzaczki mi wyskakuja...
to: Swoop/REBELS
Hi  Erik!   I sent you a postcard some days ago, I hope, that you receive its.
And I hope too, that you will write to me soon as possible!
I  hope, that you enjoyed old and new productions from FLOPPY FACTORY!  :) And
ofcourse watch for more heheh..
to: The Founder/SCUM
Hiva  w  dupe, niech szybiej sklada tego 'Orgazma'.  No i jakis list od Ciebie
tez by mi sie przydal, nie sadzisz?
to: The Hooligan/FREEZERS
Thanks for contacting, i hope that our swapping will be cool!
to: The King
Slyszalem  tu  od  pewnej  osoby, ze scene rzuciles...  A co z 'King Packiem',
hmm?   I  czartsami?  Chujnia wyszla, trza bedzie to wszytko teraz odplatac...
A EROTIC pewnie jest dead...
to: The Specialist
Another delayer.  Write something soon, or forget about our swapping...
to: Thorus/FLOPPY
Mam nadzieje, ze juz na wolnosci jestes hihi..  I ze jakies demo czy cos na te
okazje zrobisz.  Byloby zajebiscie, nieprawdaz?  No i wlosy to teraz pewnie do
pasa bedziesz zapuszczal :)
to: Timer/APPENDIX
Jak  bedzie nowy 'Bigoz', to mozesz pisac...  Inaczej mi sie nawet na oczy nie
to: Toaster/TASTE
You probably also are dead, isn't it?
to: Tracer/UNION
Kiedy nowy 'ZZI'?  Czekam z niecierpliwoscia...
to: Trasher/ARTWORK
I  hope, that you will send me a new demo from ARTWORK, also other productions
too!  And don't be angry about my last letter, ok?
Amige  w  domu  masz,  wiec  moze  wreszcie  zaczniesz  swapic  normalnie, co?
Zajebiscie by bylo...  Bo jakos tak brak mi Twoich listow sniff, sniff...
to: Vega/RAM JAM
When  will  be  a  next  issue  of 'Show Time', hmm?  I heard, that you lost a
motivate  to swapping and scening, why?  I hope, that this is only a momentary
break-down...  Forget about your problems and write to me!  :)
to: Wizball
Sorry  for  the  'no'  answer, but you know the rules.  I hope, that you still
want to be in contact with me...  And how you like our last demo, eh?
to: Yoyo/MAWI
Ja  pierdole, chyba najdluzszy dilej jaki w zyciu zrobilem...  Sorki za niego,
zaraz po swietach na poczte pozapierdalam i wysylam paczke!
to: Zany/PHUTURE 303+VOID
I  heard,  that  you leave a prison.  Scene too, or maybe you are still active
musician?   I  hope  so, becouse this will be a terrible thing, when you leave
us.  So, if you still like me, write now!  :)
Listu nie ma od wakacji, zreszta co mnie to interesuje...
Hello  my  friend!  And what, a finnish section of FCI is still exist?  I hope
so, you are probably too...  So write!
to    people    like:     Ant/THREE   LITTLE   ELKS,   Bogishlav/OZONE   FREE,
Coroner/OBSESSION,     Crazywild/GHD,     Crown/CRYPOBURNERS,    Cyborg/CRAZY,
Data/OXYGENE,  Dr.Death/ex.ELTECH, Enzyme/GIANTS, Exl/VARJARANA, Frame/C-LOUS,
Rahiem/ESSENCE, Rave/LSD, Receiver/LED, Strife/APATHY, Thunder/SCOOPEX
I hope, that you are great guys and will reply on my contacting letter...
          some messages from guma/ambrosia+amnesty+cosmic woodhouse
czekam  na twoj answer, mam nadzeje ze votke do fastidium odbijesz na ksero
i porozsylasz.  twoja z party mam.
acid/dinx project
mam nadzeje ze pomozesz troche przy fastidium?
daj  luz  z  tymi  demami, pisz szybko.  dzieki za kartke, choc ja tam nic nie
bigman/vision soft.
jak tam sony?  masz kase na nowe giery?
w sumie to friendship rulz, czyz nie?
booba/sector 5
dzieki za azki, zawsze cos tam zrobie dla ciebie, jak mnie najdzie.
moze kidys sie do ciebie wybiore, wiesz jak z kasa...
azki rulz!  list dostalem, ten twoj ostatni styl byl niezle zrob mi w nim pare
answer, soon...
write soon, i'm waiting...
i hope, you'll use raze modules...  write soon.
thanks for answer and last elks productions, send me more your chips.
pisz soon i podeslij koniecznie ten programik...
chyba nam list wjebalo, dostales dim'a?
drac/ambrosia^comic woodheads
post suxx forever!
pisz wkrotce...  dostales list?
hangman/comic woodheads
punk forever, pisze szybko...
standard letters suxx forever!
i'm waiting for your answer, do you have my a last letter in the home?
zgubilem twoj adres i nie moge napisac.
jacool/moze sie zdecydujemy?
eee...  bedzie robota z tym skanerem...  szelest wyjdzie soon...  dostaniesz
niedlugo papiery...
dzieki za kontakt
korball/dinx project
pisz szybko, albo zadzwon...
dzieki za nowe produkcje twojej grupy.  odpisze niedlugo.
kurwa czekam na twoj answer.
thanks for modules.  you composed gr8 modules, do you can't believe?
dzieki za kontakt
always long and always friendly letters from you, thanks, answer soon.
pisz czasami...
i'm waiting for answer.
kurwa czekam na ten answer...  mialo byc szybko.
znow jeblo? pisz!!!
your azki are cool, wrie soon!
thanks for contact, friendship rulz.
i'm waiting for answer.
kurwa, na party nie byles, nie piszesz, dobrze sie czujesz?
raptor/sector 5
masz moj list, pisz soon.
cosmix rulz forever...  friendship too...
the ripper/artwork
write soon, i hope you'll send support to fastidium.
sluszales, ze rzuciles scene?
write soon.
i'm wiating for answer.
the founder/u'race
czekam na boopsi two...
the hooligan/frs
answer soon.
write soon, i'm waiting.
dlaczego nie piszesz?
sorry, dyski soon odesle.
flying zounds rulz...  write soon my friend.
               some messages from acid / dinx project+appendix
to: Apache/Ind.
I tak lamerze pierdolony tego nie przeczytasz.  Zachcialo sie PSXa...  ;o
to: Blaze/Floppy^Nah-Kolor
Gratuluje  nowej  grupki.   Niezle  sie  nawaliles  na party.  3 zgony podczas
jednej  imprezy!   Dobry jestes.  Anyway...  fajno bylo wypic piwko i pogadac.
Modki  ofkoz  slij tak jak dalej.  Ja juz pokasowalem wszystkie gierki i wiele
programow, ale modkow ciadle mi malo (pnad 240 mega...  =).
to: Budgie/Doggystyle
Czlowieku.   Nie  pij  juz.   Niezle dawales czadu kiedy byles na fazie.  No i
zjebiscie  spales,  ta  poza...  zobaczysz zreszta zdjecia, to sie posmiejesz.
=) Rob nowe kolekcje!
to: Caro/Dinx Project
Mam zamiar do Ciebie co nieco skrobnac.  Chyba odpiszesz, co?  Hehe...
to: CTP/Mawi
O  Ty  moj  zbawco.   Sampelki sa zajebiste.  Niby tylko Breathe, Firestarter,
Voodoo,  Chemicla  Bros.  i Spice Bitchez, wszystko to na 32 MB, ale i tak sie
oplaca.  Zalatw jeszcze Poison, a bedziesz moim bogiem.  Poza tym na nastepnym
party zginiesz za crazy demo.  ;)
to: Czarny/Skulls
Blee...  przyjedz po sample...  ;)
to: Damion/Artwork
I'm waiting for next Artwork's productions!
to: Dan/Dinx Project
Ale byles pijany...  =) A moze to ja?  =)))))
to: Dave/Amnesty^Freezers
Poza  tym, ze zajebistee odpierdzielasz ostatnio modki (chipki!), to powiem Ci
jeszcze,  ze  masz  brata lamera i zamieszaliscie troche na party.  Ale tak to
juz jest...
to: DEF
Pisz, pisz, pisz!
to: Dj Dick/?
Letter  wyslalem.   Logosek  zrobilem  i  mysle, ze sie spodoba.  Powodzenia w
skladaniu slideshowa!
to:  Draw/Amnesty
Ale zalamerzyles ostatnio.  Tak zrypac style z Foundera!  A fuj!
to: Fanta/X-Rays
Nie ma lettera...  szkoda.  =(
to: Flapjack/Appendix
Witaj  w  grupce.   Podobno  sie  wkurwiles jak Informer joinal sie do Floppy.
Dobry  jest  gosc,  wiec  mogl  wybierac.   Nici  z  Psychola?   Blejz cos tam
belkotal, ale wez go zrozum!
to: Gluten/Cruel
Odpalacz rzadzi i dominuje!  Jestes zajebisty!
to: Groh/Dinx Project
Szkoda,  ze  nie  bylo  Cie  na  party.   Letter  wyslalem.   Jak moj pikczer?
Brzydki, nie?  Masz racje.
to: Iceman/Sector 5
Napisz  kiedys,  niewazne,  ale  napisz.   Powodzenia  w nauce do maturki.  Ja
dopiero za rok...  a raczej juz za rok!
to:  Immortal/Freezers
Fajno  sie  z  Toba  gadalo.   A  pamietasz  mnie  w ogole?  =) Hmm...  kto Ci
okularki domalowal?  =)
to: Jacool/Ind.
Ciagle  bez grupki?  Co sie tak zgrzales na party?  Jakbys cos wypil...  spoko
byl  koncercik.   Szkoda, ze taki krotki.  Przyszly jakies Sektory i bylo fuj.
to: Jarecky/Themselves
Mysle,  ze  BBS  ruszyl.   Azki  ofkoz wyslalem.  Dlaczego nie przyjechales na
party?   A  moze  jednak byles...  ja bylem z deczko, tego tam...  no wiesz...
to: Jim/SDC
Szkoda,  ze  Cie  na  party nie bylo.  Poszlibysmy na soka, albo na Frugo.  Oj
szkoda, szkoda...
to: Kafel/Cruel
Czesc lysielcu.  Letter wysylam do Mustafy.
to: Klaf/Appendix
Cos dlugo lettera od Ciebie nie ma.  Pisz!
to: Ko$mi/Dinx Project
Czesc  pijaku.   Jak  Ci  sie  podobalo  nasze contactro.  Pomysl daremny, ale
efekty mnie zagiely.  Zig z Thorusem maja na noc...  ;)
to: Korball/Dinx Project^Amnesty
Czesc  Coreball.   Pewnie  nie wiesz, ale wyjebalem sie na twoje rzygi podczas
koncertu.   Ech  Ty!   Co sadzisz o contactrze?  Spokasne...  tylko troche bez
to: Kovy/X-Rays
Dlugo  lettera  od  Ciebie  nie mam!  W ogole od ludzi z Wieliczki, znaczy sie
Fanty i Ricka.  Co jest grane?  Poczta?!?  Nieee!
to: Kro/Dinx Project
Fajno  bylo  Cie poznac na party.  Niestety nie bylem zbyt rozmowny, co kac to
kac...  =)
to: Kubik/Skulls
Koduj packa!  fajnie wyglada.  Swoja draga dobrze, ze nie pojechales na party.
Troche sie zwalilo...  dla mnie bylo gorzej niz na Gravity.
to: Kure4Kancer/PH7
Hi  my  Suomi  friend!   =) Send me some latest mods!  Substance ofkoz...  and
don't forget to send some pieces of graffiti art!
to: Leunam/Network
Hi Manuel.  Delay...  blah.  School?  I think so.  Write soon!
to: Madbart/Appendix^Anadune
Gdzies  Ty  przebywal  na  party.   Nie  mozna  Cie  bylo znalezc.  Porozsylaj
ostatnie kolekcje, pleez!  Szkoda, ûe Informer spierdzielil do Floppow.
to: Meecash/Thefect
Spox sie z Toba gadalo na party.  Ciesz mnie tez fakt, ze stac Cie na odrobine
wyrozumialosci dla takich dupkow jak ja...  =)
to: Melon/Mystic^Nah-Kolor
Naprawiaj sprzet i wracaj do swapu!  Czekam na letter!  Nie pamietam dokladnie
co gadales na party.  Wiesz jak jest..  =) voodka roolez.
to: Muffler/Nah-Kolor
I'm waiting for your latest modules!  Write soon!
to: Mustafa/Cruel
Letter  juz wysylam!  Czekam na fucki od doswiadczonego grafika...  ;) I licze
na to, ze cos sie od Cia naucze.
to: Norman/Anadune
Czesc  zgrzedo.   Cos  sie  tak  skumal  z  Melonem na party?  =) Gratulacje w
zwiazku  z  pierwszy  miejscem,  demko  Floppow  i tak bylo lepsze.  ;) Kopnij
Steve'a w dupe, ale mocno!
to: Olga
Milo bylo Cie poznac.  =)
to: Outsider/?
Hej  Bartol.   Masz  taaaaki  minus,  za  to,  ze  nie  przyjechales na party.
Poznalem  Maustafe,  Kafla i Glutena.  Zajebisci goscie.  Szczegolnie Kafel, z
ktorym   sobie   spoko   pogadalem  (i  ktory  pomagal  mi  naprawic  okularki
zbrokenowane  przez  Blejza  =).   No  i nie spotykac mi sie z Zefirem!  Wiesz
to: Prince
Nie bede nic mowil.  Nie zyjesz i juz.  =(((
to: Pzyhall/Ind.
No,  no...   modki  odwalasz  niezle.   A  'Scythe'  jak  bedzie  skonczona to
hohoooo...  miodzio.  Grupke Ci trza znalezc.  ;)
to: Qba/Anadune^Nah-Kolor^TRSI
Slyszalem, ze rzuciles swap.  No coz...  Blaze jest teraz da best.
to: Raptor/Sector 5
Fajnie  nawet wyglada twoj paczek.  Tylko troksze wolno dziala, ale jest okee.
Tak trzymac!
to: Sloody/Silicon^Network
I haven't got your letter for long time.  Post or delay?  Write if it's delay!
to: Sundance/Appendix
Nie zyjesz, dupku!
to: The Founder/Scum
Sprawa musi poczekac.  Trza by pogadac z S'Deem.
to: Timer/Appendix
Pisz, pisz!
to: Timi/Dinx Project
Dzien  dobry  szefie.   Cos  od  pana  dlugo  lettera nie mam.  Napisz pan cos
wreszcie!  Widzialem grafike do maga, Caro jest calkiem zajebisty!
to: Trauma/Royal^Phuture 303
Ahoj  kamarade.   I hope you've received my last letter.  Enjoy the stuff from
rush  hours  party.  It's a pity that demos were too big to send them by post!
Swapping is dying...  =( (i guess only...  =( )
to: Vega/Ram Jam
Delay or post?  I hope delay.  Write soon and send latest Show Time!
to: Wizard/Opium
Karteczke  dostalem.   Pisales  cos  o  liscie,  ale  niestety nic do mnie nie
doszlo.  Sorki, ze nie napisalem.  Co redukcja, to redukcja...  =(
to: Yoyo/Mawi^Clan

A  ja  dalej  nie  mam  Strefy.  Czlowieku ale dawales czadu na party!  Jestes
boski i juz!
to: Zabora/TNG
Ales  sie  ogolil...   tak  przy okazji.  Czy na kazdym party musisz miec inna
dziewczyne?!?  Ma sie szczescie...  =)
to: Zounds/FCI
Don't fall down during night flies.  And don't land on any house!  =)
                       some messages from hawk / giants
Well  hello  and  hi  to  all of you sceners you there, this is Hawk of Giants
writing  a few lines to all of you.  Remember to send me your support to Brain
Damage,  The Night Train, Feedback, Implant and every other big mag/pack/chart
or  whatever and I'll make sure it get's were it's supposed to.  Also write to
me  if  you  want  to swapp VHS-movies, join Giants or if you just want a real
fast  contact  in  the  wonderful  contry  of  Sweden.   If you write long and
friendly  letters, you get long and friendly letters back.  If you write short
and unfriendly letters you get short and friendly letters back.
Abo ( Independent ).
Hoppar  av  scenen?   Vilka fasoner grabben, vill miss you.  Ta hand om frugan
och barnen polarn.
Ace of Session.
Long  time no letter.  :( Busy moving to the new place or what?  Write soon my
Action of Anadune.
Sorry to hear that you've dropped swapping my friend, I'll send you a e-mail.
Amadeus of Level 7.
Well mate, got some of yar wanteds so if you want to start swapping again just
send me a letter my friend.
Ant of Three little elks.
Jahapp,  inte mycket swapping nu inte.  Sluta lata dig pa irc och borja swappa
igen istallet grabben.  Cs pa Icing-Remedy'97 eller natt.
Badboy of Giants.
Hoho,  trevligt  med  listan  pa  fungerande  wwwsites,  i vanliga fall brukar
halften inte fungera och resten suger stort.  Ska du pa massan i Sholm?
Blaze of Floppy Design^Nah Kolor.
Yeah,  your  own pack.  Congratz my friend, everyone else make sure to get the
latest issue of Speed!  With Blaze as main editor, how can it go wrong?
Braindead of scoopex.
Long time no letter.  :( Write soon or e-mail me my friend.
Carp of Phuture303^Strobe.
Howzit  'anging?  Nice that you've moved over to fileletters instead of thoose
papernotes, have fun.
Chriz of Apathy^Element.
Long  time  no  letter.   :(  Not  heard from you since august, Wizard is also
waiting for his movie.  Pleeaze send 'coz he's complaining day and night.
Coma of Three little elks.
Hehe,  bokrea  rular  stort.   Fick  fatt  pa  Shogun,  Haxkonster  o Casca 2.
Suverana allihopa.  Kopte oxo Independence Day och The Phantom, goa de oxo.
Cook of Erotic Design.
Thankee for the letter, may we have a long and good swaptime together.
Cope of Depth^Giants.
Hmmm,  the last two letters from you looked Veeeeeeeery alike IMHO, write soon
my friend.
Long  time no letter.  :( Nice to chat with you on IRC but letters are nice to
so send soon my friend.
Draw of Ambrosia^Amnesty.
Looking forward to Fasidium so make it quick and mail it to me as soon as it's
ready or sooner.  ;)
Hmmm,  har  inte hort av dig pa ett tag.  Hamnade du i fangelse eller vad star
pa?  Skriv snart polarn.
Felix of Kinky^Massive.
Long  time no letter.  :( Stop 'anging around at irc and telnet bbs's and send
me a letter instead.
Long time no letter.  :( Write soon my friend.
Katter er koole, dem er morsomme, dem er sote.  Katter rockar stort.  No Icing
Beta for me and probably not The gathering either.  :((((((
Frame of C-lous.
Long time no letter.  :( Skriv snart o gor fardigt No Sense 3!!!!
General Lee of Eltech.
Looooooooooooooooooooooooong  time no letter.  :( Sluta slappa pa IRC o skicka
lite brev istallet!
Gizmoduck of Depth.
No  car,  no The Party.  :( Suxx!  Thankee for the Eurocharts my friend, hurry
up with the next issue!
Sitter inlast pa datorteket eller vad star pa?  Har varken hort fran dig eller
Dwangi pa bra lange, det ar nog bast att nagon av er skriver snart!
Growl of Apathy.
Back  from the dead again, you'd better get yourself a extra amiga 'coz of the
rate you manage to destroy or sell them.  ;)
ex. Jura of Redline.
Thankee  for  the  letter.  Sorry to hear that you left the scene, hope you'll
manage to have fun without the scene.  Byebye!
Kaosmaster of RamJam.
Hmmm,  interesting disscussions going on in your letters ehhh?  Send soon so I
can read/write a few more comments.
Keldon of Giants.
Mannen som vill att Wizard ska arbeta roven av sig for NightTrain ehh?  Jozzez
vad  han  klagar  over  det.   ;)  Du  far  nog lugna dig lite misstanker jag.
Hehehe....  Antagligen inte The Gathering!  SUXX!!
Korball of Apathy^Dinx.
Thankee for contacting me, we'll have a nice swapptime together,
Lithium of Gods.
Have  you  read  "The  Wheel  of Time" or "The Thamuli" yet?  If not do!  Just
finished "Shogun" by James Clavell, great book.  RAO.  Read At Once...
Amylife suxx ehh?  Write soon my friend.
Melon of FCI^Mystic.
Long time no letter...  :( Write soon my friend.
Melfis of Cider.
Jozzez  vilka  bra filmer du skickar.  :( Du far tillbaka till band utan nagra
filmer  pa misstanker jag.  Ska du fortsatta sa har far du iaf skicka en lista
sa man kan bestalla en skitfilm som man vill ha!
Millennium of Aliens^Giants.
Inget  brev  fran  dig sedan SCC, skriv snart polarn.  Orbit o Nork tycker oxo
att det borjar bli daxx for lite brev fran dig.
Mj of Massive.
Hope to get Monument from you soon my friend, have phun doing it.
Morkeleb of Giants.
You  will  be  missed  my friend, always saddening to see one turn to the dark
side ( PeZe ) but you!  Oh well, enjoy your PeZe.
Mr.X of Apathy^Giants.
Implant#2  was  quite nice, but pleeze find something else to code it in so it
can be enjoyed in a few more colors.
Nork of Massive^Network^Osmose.
Hmmm, long time no letter.  Thankee for the e-mail.
Orbit of Giants.
O du bara kor AmigaQuake o Mario64 forstar jag?  ;) Have phun.
Paperboy of Mobile^Simplex.
Long time no letter, write soon my friend.
Point of Apathy.
Langa, stiliga brev som vanligt fran dig.  Suverant polarn, blir nog dessvarre
inget The gathering for min del.  :( Ingen bil!  :(((((((((
Punisher of Instinct.
Johopp, nar far man se Punsh Pak o Norgetoppen da?
Ranz of Megaunit ( c64 ).
Har  du gjort nagra stiliga bilder pa amiga annu da?  Det e bara att kora hart
o kla alla andra grafiker pa scenen vettu.
Receiver of Limited Edition.
Hmmm, no The party for me this year either, my father had to use his car after
all.  Hell, it's only -17 degrees, he could have used his mc.  ;)
Rolex of Apathy.
Hmmm, lite delay nu igen...  :( Hur gar det med Mindworks?
Rooster of Sunshine Productions.
Lang tid, inget brev.  :( Skriv snart polarn.
Schindler of Craze^Depth.
Jahopp, nagot nytt fran Craze pa G da?  Skriv snart polarn.
Seltik of Ax!s^Jetset^Divas^Smellon^Black Sista^900 and more.
Hope  to  get  a  nice  movie or two from you soon.  Nice to meet ya on IRC my
friend, stay kewl.
Spin Dizzy of Giants.
Har du skaffat dig fastram annu?  Fattar inte hur du klarar dig utan faktiskt.
Jag skulle inte overleva utan mina 16Mb fastram.
Splatterhead of Scoopex.
Hehe,  burning  cd's all day long or?  Your Nam and Jam Cd's looks nice I must
confess.  :P hehe
Strife of Apathy.
IRC rulez man, to bad I have to use PeZe most of the time.
Styles of S2^Void.
Thankee for the letter my friend, have phun on the frozen canals.
Valdigt lang tid, inget brev.  :( Skriv fortare an fortast polarn.
Swoop of Rebels.
Inget  Tp  for  min  del.   SuCk!   Antagligen inget The Gathering for min del
heller.  :( Far satsa pa Icing-Remedy'97 istallet.
Tft of Rave Network Organization.
Started  swapping again as you said or?  Hope to hear from you soon my friend,
have phun.
The Specialist.
Long time no letter.  :( Write soon my friend.
Thrym of Massive.
Sorry to hear that you are leaving Giants my friend, stay kewl anyway.
Tracky of Apathy^Astra syntex.
Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong  time  no letter.  :( Write REAL soon my lazy
norwegian  friend or else I'll walk to The Gathering so I can beat you up with
my toaster.  ;)
Vega of RamJam.
A little delay from you as well my friend, busy with Showtime or?
Wildcat of Scania^Visage.
Hehe, balla C/C++ prylar polarn, du far gora ett helt demo i C/C++ vettu.  Ska
bli kul att se, kanske inte o3o men o6o eller PPC iaf.  :P~
Wiseguy of Giants.
Hmmm,  get  yourself a Telnet node so I can call more often my friend.  It's a
little expensive calling to Norway.
Wizard of Giants.
Roande med egen lagenhet eller ar det bara jobbigt o gora allt sjalv?
Sorry  to  hear that you are leaving Giants my friend, stay kewl and have fun.
E-mail is comming your way soon.
Lois & Clark rulez mate, nice contactletter.  ;) Hehe
                  some messages from jim / stage diving club
to: ace/union^bad zone
Hik  Ace!   Troszeczkë  nam  sië ostatnio namieszaîo, ale mam nadziejë, ûe juû
wkrótce wszystko wróci do normy i bëdzie kul!  Czeikam na list!
to: acid/dinx project^appendix
Hello  Aceeedo!   Wîaônie  wysîaîem  list,  wiëc  za  bardzo nie mam o czym tu
stukaê:) Te logosy sâ zajebiste no i azke teû of coz!
to: action/nah-kolor^anadune
Chlip,  chlip:(  Szkoda ûe rzuciîeô swapp, ale cóû, takie ûycie:) Powodzenia w
tradingu!  Byîeô boski...
to: amanda
Co z Tobâ?  Nowâ Amigë masz a nie dajesz znaku ûycia!  Pisz szybko!
to: ami
Niestety  z tym moim e-mailem jak juû pewnie wiesz, to kupa wyszîa.  Po prostu
nie chce mi sië pîaciê 5 zîociszy za sprawdzenie poczty, a mëczyê kolesia, teû
tak  jakoô gîupio...  poza tym mailtrading domination in 1997 qrwa!  Napisz co
tam sîychaê w modemowym ôwiatku i w ogóle coô napisz, bo sië stëskniîem:)
to: benton/eternal^chaos split
Puk,  puk!   Pamiëtasz  mnie  jeszcze?   Nie  wydaje mi sië ûeby wjebaîo list,
pewnie mega delaj, hë?  Ciâgle czekam...
to: black dragon/honoo^limited edition
Hello  my dear friend from France!  I hope, You enjoyed my last letter?  Write
fast as You can, and manga rules 4evre!
to: blaze/floppy^nah-kolor
Hik!   Teraz  masz  Speeda  a  co z Freak'iem?  Papadeo 2 jest czadowe, szkoda
tylko ûe takie krótkie:) List juû wysîaîem, wiëc czekam na answer!
to: blunt/smellon
I  write  recontact  letter,  and I hope that now we can strat a real friendly
swappig!  Be cool, be fast!
to: boobba/sector 5
No i jak tam, masz juû to 060?  Cholerka, nawet nie wiesz jak Ci zazdroszczë:)
Szkoda  tylko ûe masz takie dziwne plany co do parties...  Mam nadziejë, ûe do
Gravity 2 zmienisz zdanie i pojedziemy razem, hë?
to: bubba/iris
Do  zobaczenia  na  jakimô  party,  bo  listu  to sië juû chyba nie doczekam:(
to: budgie/doggystyle^fz^wf
Witam!   Myôlë  ûe  bëdzie  nam sie fajnie swappiîo!  Requesty na ascii masz w
liôcie, no i wogóle wszystko masz w liôcie:) Odpisuj szybko jak ostatnio!
to: ctp/mawi
Czeôê  CTP!   Nareszcie  znowu  w  kontakcie!   Uwaûaj na te znacze, bo po raz
kolejny  nam  sië  wszysko  popieprzy!   No  i co tu duûo gadaê, nowy SDV jest
to: czarny/skulls
Strzaîa  Czarny!   Czekam  na  list  i  na  Bambo, mam nadzieje, ûe coô z tego
wyjdzie?  Pisz szybko!
to: digger/iris
Witam  rekordzistë!   O  qrwa,  stary,  ale  ja  Ci  wspóîczujë!  27 baniek za
rachunek  to  juû  ostre  przegiëcie!  Zachciaîo sië Internetu, to teraz masz!
Mailtrading rulesuje!
to: emer
Pewnie  juû  odszedîeô  ze  sceny,  bo  ostatnio  widzë  Cië  tylko na listach
delayersów...  szkoda!
to: flapjack/appendix
Czeôê  Flap  The  Jack!   Gratulujë  nowej  grupki,  a  co  z  Psycholem?!?  Z
niecierpliwoôciâ czekam na list!!!
to: gizbern
Mimo  wszystko uwaûam ûe gîupio postâpiîeô!  Jak byô dobrze pochodziî, to 1200
i  za  5 baniek byô znalazî, a moûe i taniej.  I nie mów mi ûe nie skoîowaîbyô
takiej kasy!
to: gulp/azkberies
Witam  starego  kumpla  z  Kentucky!  No i w koïcu dochrapaîeô sië konkretnego
sprzëtu!   Kul!   Mam  nadziejë,  ûe  teraz  to  juû  zaczniesz jakieô czadowe
pikczerki trzaskaê?!?  Czekam na list!
to: hardfire/intense
Hi!  Nice to see your letter in my post box!  100%Hoaks is greate, I'm waiting
for the next issue!  Write fast!
to: hiv/scum
Dziëki  za  list,  a  wîaôciwie za bada:) No i co z tym Orgazmem?  Fajnie ûe o
mnie pamiëtaleô!
to: iceman/sector 5
Hmm...   ja  wiem,  ûe matura to bardzo waûna rzecz, ale te kilka sîów mógîbyô
juû przez ten czas nastukac, co?  Z niecierpliwoôciâ czekam na list!
to: korball/dinx project^apathy
Czeôê  Przemek!   Mam  nadziejë, ûe  Ty sië nie rozchorowaleô po RH:) No i mam
nadziejë, ûe list od Ciebie przyjdzie lada dzieï!
to: ko$mi/dinx project
Uhm,uhm,  hm!   Co  jest panie Ko$mi?!?  Taaaaki delay?  Chyba ta praca úle na
Ciebie dziala:) Napisz coô szybko, bo juû nie wiem czy to Ty czy poczta!
to: kyle/status o.k.
Moje dyski!
to: madel/rno
No  i  co?   Jak juû nie chcesz ze mnâ swappiê, to przynajmniej odeôlij dyski,
to: marco/sadist
List  do  Ciebie  juû  w  drodze!   Tym  razem  chyba juû sië nie przyplujâ do
znaczków?  Ale macie powalonâ pocztë w tym Mielcu!
to: melon/nah-kolor
Sîyszaîem, ûe masz zepsutâ Amigë?  Naprawiaj i pisz szybko, bo nie wiem co sie
z Tobâ dzieje!  Miaîo byê fast a jest...
to: meecash/thefect
A  co  u Ciebie?  Jakoô tak stësknilem sië za Twoim listem i pomimo ûe jeszcze
nie czas mowiê o jakimô dileju, to zaczynam sië niepokoiê...
to: morino/thefect
Hi  Morino!   Ok,  matura  juû  niedîugo wiëc wszystko rozumiem.  Powodzeniana
obronie dyplomowki no i na maturce teû of coz!
to: mr.uhu/scum
Czesê  Uhu!   Mam  nadzieje,  ûe  sie  na  mnie  nie  obraziîeô  za to, iû nie
przyjechaîem na party?  Czeakm na list!
to: norman/anadune
Co  sie  do  cholery  dzieje!?!   Taki  zajebisty  delay to nie w Twoim stylu!
Pisaîeô, ûe juû Ci sië nie chce, ale ûeby aû tak?  Poôpiesz sië!
to: omega/???
Mój sampler mf!!!
to: otton/high voltage
Dziëki za kontakt!  List juû wysîaîem i czekam na answer!
to: pepson/opium
Urwal  nam  sië  kontakt,  chlip,  chlip!   Ale teraz twoja kolej na recontact
letter!!!  Pisz coô szybko!
to: pif paf
Dziëki za kontakt!  List juû wysîaîem i czekam na answer!
to: pila/???
Heh...  szkoda ûe juû nie swappisz, ale dyski wypadaîoby odesîaê, co?
to: proton/sadist
Póî  roku  juû  minëîo,  wiëc  moûe  czas coô nastukaê?!  Aha, zapomnialem, Ty
piszesz jeden list na rok!
to: qba/nah-kolor
A  tutaj  to  musiaîbym  zrobiê wielgachne CHLIP, CHLIP!  Ale na parties chyba
bëdziesz  jeúdziî,  co?   Jeszcze  jedno duûe CHLIP, CHLIP i wielkie dziëki za
to: qix/fci
No  tak, listy piszesz zajebiste, ale dlaczego tak rzadko?  Mimo wszystko jest
fajnie:) Czekam na list!
to: qla/royal
Jak tam studia?  Chyba wszystko ok, hë?
to: rappid/erotic design^genetic
Czekam,  czekam  i  sie chyba nie doczekam!  Przynajmniej odeôlij dysk, bo mam
to: revi/whelpz^phace truce
Dziëki  za  list, mój juû w drodze!  Mam nadziejë, ûe answer jak zwykle bedzie
szybciutko:) Trzymaj sië!
to: sharp/???
Hello  Sharp!   Co sië dzieje?  To ûe wyjebali Cië z Anadunow, nie oznacza, ûe
nie moûesz juû daê znaku ûycia!  Napisz coô!
to: skrapi/sector 5
Dziëki za moduliki, sâ extra!  Jak widzisz nadal jestem tylko w stejdûach, ale
jebaê to!  List juû wyslalem!
to: spiryt/the edge
Czeôê Szymon!  No i widzisz, tak to sië skoïczyîo:( Life is brutal...
to: steel/sector 5
Chyba  jednak poszedîeô w ôlady Prince'a:( Jak nie, to napisz coô szybko, albo
przynajmniej odeôlij dyski!
to: the founder/scum
Ups!   Panie  Founder,  czyûby  tak  dîugo trzymaî kac po party?  Chyba nie...
Miaîeô  sië  zmieniê,  ale z tego co pisaîeô, to na lepsze a jakoô wychodzi na
to: the king
Czeôê  Paweî!   No  tak,  lata robiâ swoje, ale mimo wszystko szkoda:( Wielkie
dziëki za swapp i za wyjaônienie sprawy!
to: the soul/???
Dziëki za odesîanie dysku!
to: thief/doggystyle
Chyba  naprawde  sië  utopiîeô  na tym morzu:) Dlaczego tak dîugo nie piszesz?
Matura suxx, wiem wiem!  Powodzenia!
to: viper/dark team
Wyglâda na to, ûe juû nie chcesz ze mnâ swappiê:( Mógîbyô przynajmniej odesîaê
to: yoyo/mawi
Fenksy za swapp i za odesîanie dysku!
I haven't any answer from:
juggler/looker house
mister no/???
                  some messages from coma/three little elks
To: All
It's  possible  for  you  to swap with one of the Three Leetel Elkies...  Just
send  a  disk  or  two  to  me  at:   Daniel Johansson, Stenstaliden 1B, 68136
Kristinehamn, Sweden.  And remember, Intel remains outside for the future.
To: Hawk of Giants
Tjenare, vi syns väl på TG antar jag!
To: Pestilence
Nice start for our swapping!
To: Ant of 3LE
Hej på dig! Ta och gör en comeback nu, scenen (och 3LE) behöver dig! =)
To: Ozzy of Outhouse
Alltid  snabba  och fina sändningar från dig, fortsätt med det!  Och så kan ju
Outhouse kanske släppa nåt snart...?...  =)
To: Tyberium
3  months,  where  did you go?  Delay or post?  If you read this then send the
stuff as soon as possible!
To: Rolex of Apathy
Sorry  about  the tune, Rolex!  But I'll do some chippies for Feedback #4!  CU
at TG!
To: Maze of Eltech and Massive
Stop driving around in your car and recontact soon!
To: Mosher of Massive
Thanks for the SIDs!!  Great!  I guess I'll meet you too at TG!
To: NME of Insanity
Sorry about the delay...  hoppas du skickar nånting snart!
To: Curt Cool of Depth
"Morgonrocksmannen"!   =) It was really cool to meet you at TP6, I hope to see
you at TG as well...  *Great* EC issue by the way!
To: Werbung of World Fantasies
I sent you some stuff almost 3 months ago, and a postcard, so where are you?
To: Hardfire of Intense and NGC
Hi,  my friend in France!  Great sends from you!  Congrats to your rankings at
Saturne...  moo!!!  =)
To: Gardener of Talent
How  normal is it to delay 9 months?  I sent you a postcard some months ago as
well, and not a sound from you!  Where are you?
To: Candyman of Session
Tjenare  Timo!  Du får gärna snabba upp dig lite, men det får ju å andra sidan
jag med så det jämnar väl ut sig, eller nåt.  Fina sändningar i alla fall..
To: Morkeleb of Giants(?)
Jaha,  det  var 4 månader sen jag skickade till dig, vad händer?  Du verkar ju
inte vara med i GTS längre, har du lagt ner swappingen också?
To: Muadib
Hi, Brandin!  Sorry about the delay!  You'll get faster sends from me now!
To: Orbit of Giants
Tjenare...   alltid fina sändningar från dig med, det tackar vi för...  Nu ska
jag snart ha 030...  så jag kan spela Gameboy...  =)
To: Dr.Death of Eltech
Sorry  about the delay...  Jag såg dig ju inte på TP6 ju!  Men nu får du snart
nånting ifrån mig...  Vi ses på TG!
To: Igor of FCI
Sorry for that mega-delay, my mistake!  Well I hope you'll answer soon!
To: Jacool (ex-Turnips)
Hi  Jacek,  so  you've gone independent!  Not nice to hear about Turnips, they
were a cool group...  PC suxx always!  Stay cool and wait for my next send!
To: Bill Gates of Microsoft
No, lamer, I would never swap with you, so FUCK YOU and don't write any more..
To: Klaf of Freezers
Well  Klaf,  after  all you contacted first, but now you haven't sent anything
for  6  months!   I  sent to you during that time but still no answer!  If you
have quit swapping then at least leave a msg in some mag!
To: Base of Phuture 303
Hi  Base,  I  haven't  heard from you since november, what's the problem?  You
used  to  be  fast  so something must be wrong...  if you read this, then send
To: FML of Erotic Design
Hi FML, sorry for my delay, send back soon please!
To: Mice (ex-Erotic Design)
Hi Mikko!  Never a delay from you, always cool sends...  what more could I ask
for?..  =)
To: Timer of Appendix(?)
What's happening, 4 months with no answer?  Come on and send something soon!
To: Qba of Nah-Kolor and Anadune
Hi  Jakub!  Very cool issue of Speed!  I made a new module for you, what about
it?  Keep on the great work with Speed...
To: Sixpack of Gods
Hello!  JP4 var bra...  =) När släpps den nya JP?  Vi synes på TG...
To: Dee-Tee of Rave Network Overscan
Well, will you answer some time or what?  After all you contacted first!
To: Blunt of Ambrosia and Grasshopper Devs. (and everything else)
Hi  Henk!   Finally  a new production for you to spread!  I hope there will be
something after TG as well...  maybe an intro, maybe a demo!
To: Jamsam of Vector
Synd  att  du  inte joinade 3LE, vi hade behövt dig...  Men kanske senare?  Ni
satt ju förresten mitt emot oss på TP6, vart var du då?  Ja ja, vi syns väl på
TG antar jag...
To: The Ripper (ex-Artwork)
Hi Ivan, always nice letters and sendings from you.  Keep it up, and make sure
to do a comeback on the scene soon...
To: TLM of Suicidal Tendencies
Hi Jesus, sorry for my delay!  I'll give you faster sends in the future...
To: Spectral of Progressive Design
Jaha, nästan 3 månader sen jag svarade på ditt brev, blir det inget nu då?
To: Tiger
Hello  Sascha,  always  nice  stuff from you!  Lucky that I'm not the only one
collecting mega old A500 stuff!  =9
To: Action of Anadune
Hi Przemek, nice coop modules, I'll work on them soon...
To: Blaze of Floppy
Hi Patryk!  Nice letters from you, and stuff ofcoz!  Nothing to add..
To: Ghandy of Gods
Hi there, thanks for contacting!  You should've got a letter by now.
To: All other dudes I know
LAG på er alla.  Make sure that we meet on The Gathering.
                      some messages from czarny / skulls
to: all
Przepraszam  wszystkich  za  delaye  ale  bëdë dopiero  odpisywaî jak  wyjdzie
to: Acid/Dxp
Prodigy  "rzadzi  i  dominuje  brrrrrrrr".  Ale dalismy dzampu w Czestochowie!
Kaseta wyszla extra!
to: Apache/Ind
Slyszalem,  ze  sprzedales  Amige  i  qpiles Sony...  szkoda...  zawsze mozemy
pisac na kartce co?  A dysk back...
to: Astaroth/Old Bulls
Czekam na list...
to: Atom/Sector 5
To samo co wyûej...
to: Benton/Chaos Split
A jednak wyszla - he, he...  Czekam na nastepny lepszy numer no i smacznego!
to: Blaze/Floppy^Nah-Kolor
I jak Ci sie podobaja zdjecia?  Podsylaj nowego Speeda!!
to: Boobba/Sector 5
Ale  nam sie ostatnio swapp rozkrecil!  3mac tak dalej!!  MOja kolekcja modkow
rosnie i rosnie...
to: Bossy/Agressive Due
Hip!   Sorry  za  delay!   Bylem  ostatnio  we Wroclawiu ale nie moglem Ciebie
odwiedzic z przyczyn technicznych - he, he...
to: Bytebreaker/Skulls
Welcome in group!!!
to: Digital/Scum
Bedzie trzeba kiedys do Ciebie wpasc...  qpa ludzi sie o Ciebie pyta...
to: Drf/Venal
Skad ten delay?
to: Elezar/Skulls
Hi Madafaka!  I co tam u Ciebie?  Jeszcze miech i matura...  ucz sie ucz bo...
to: Elmek/Erotic
Czemu  nie  piszesz?   Wydúwaniaîem  do  Ciebie ale zawsze îâczyîo mnie z kimô
innym...  zmieniliôcie numer?
to: Exor/Hv
Sorry man, ze na Ciebie padlo...
to: Fazo/Csp
Fenksy za pomoc przy packu!
to: Franc/Dark Team
Poszedîeô do woja i nie daîeô prëdzej ûadnego znaku...  Dostaniesz po gâbce na
jakimô party...
to: Growl/Apathy
I waiting for your letter!
to: Jacool/Ind
Yo  motherfucker!   Uwazaj  jak  jeúdzisz  i  przyjezdzaj do Racibora...  no i
trenuj, trenuj...
to: Jim/Ind
Buda suxx!  Napisze wkrotce!!
to: Kalreg/Eternal
Moglbys dysk odeslac...  ale tak postepuja tylko pecetowcy...
to: Kismat/Apathy
Fajnie bylo Ciebie spotkac na party!
to: Ko$mi/Dxp
Ojjj moj maly pedale a co z Toba?  Tego tolka bede musial Ci urwac...
to: Korball/Dxp
Z  Bentonem  w  Czestochowie  chyba z pol sali zescie wystrzelali...  3mac tak
to: Kovy/Union
Nie  najgorsze  sâ  te  Twoje  modsy...   podeôlij  mi ich jeszcze trochë no i
odezwij sie!
to: Kubik/Skulls
Koduj bracie bo zabije-he, he...  No i kiedy wpadasz?  Strajkuja jeszcze?
to: Kyle/Status OK
Pewnie sprzët Ci sië zepsóî bo nie odpisujesz...  choc...
to: Lfo/Phuture 303
I haven't got letter for You a long time...  Maybe fucking post?
to: Luk/Phantic
VIrgin padîa wiëc rób co chcesz-he, he...  no i sorry, ze padlo na Ciebie.
to: Madel/Fire
Sorry ale musze z Toba zerwac...
to: Majkel/Venture
Szkoda, ze nie znalazles czasu na party...  mam nadzieje, ze maila dostales...
Pisz szybko!
to: Marco/Sadist
Kiedy nowy DOS?  Napisze wkrotce...
to: Mr.Vain/Secretly!
Hi my new friend!  Stay cool.
to: Narcyz/Mystic
Podobno  znów zmieniîeô ksywë...  Pierdolinij sië 5 razy w gîowë zanim znów Ci
coô takiego przyjdzie do gîowy!
to: Neuromancer/Skulls
I  jak  Ci sie podoba moj pomysl?  Mam nadzieje, ze napaliles sie tak samo jak
to: Norman/Anadune
Norman jesteô zajebisty!  Ale daîeô czadu na party-he, he...  jak przystalo na
kaplana-he, he...
to: Phaser/Clan
Hip paczka doszla!  Ale zes namieszal...  no ale wybaczam Ci i pisze soon!
to: Pila/ex.Skulls
Spierdalaj!  Zeby qmplowi z grupy nie odpisac!!!
to: Ping Pong/Bucket
Tak bez slowa odejsc!
to: Prince/Rektum
To samo co wyzej...
to: Proton/Sadist
A Ty nawet nie pisz...
to: Pulsar/Ind
Sorry man za delay...
to: Qba/Nah
Eeeee szkoda slow...  a co z qmplami?
to: Qix/Fci
List przyszedl...  plizzz nie fackaj juz pampow!
to: Sharp/Ind
Moze by tak dyski odeslac?
to: Sloody/Silicon
I haven't got letter for You a long time...  Maybe fucking post?
to: Snahe/Thefect
Czemu bialas nie odpisywac?  Ja sie martwic!
to: Steel/Ind
to: Steve Jones/Deep
Kto Ci zrobiî takâ twarz?  I jak Ci sië podobajâ kawaîy o Normanie?
to: Stilgar/Ind
Odpisaîem na Twój list...
to: Sundance/Old Bulls
Fajnie  byîo  widzieê Twojâ  mordkë w  Katowicach...   Czekam  na  Twojâ  nowâ
kolekcjë negger no i list - he, he...
to: The Hooligan/Freezers
Wow!  You live!!
to: The King/Erotic
Nic nie piszesz jak Ci sië podobaî "logosek".
to: The Trendy Dealer/Ram Jam
I am waitintg for next issue Show Time.  Stay cool!
to: Wodzu/Thefect
A co u Ciebie brachu?  Kiedy turbo?
to: Yappi/Venal
Szkoda, ze odszedles...
to: Yonek/Shadows
Kocham Ciebie moj Ty maly geniuszu!
to: Young Man/Thefect
Pisz stary bo sie wqrwiam!
to: Zabora/Tng
Pozdrow dupe!  Nie ta!!  Dziewczyne pajacu - he, he...
                  some delayers from curt cool / depth+k!nky
Delay list - Of course this list only contains people who just stopped sending
to  me,  not  someone  who  I  know  for  a  fact  has  quit swapping.
                                                         CURT COOL/DEPTH^K!NKY
Timer/Appendix                   (3 months)
Electr!p/Opium                   (3 months)
Vim!/Eltech^Phuture 303^Mono     (5 months)
Blockhead/Grotesticle            (???)
ADN/Honoo                        (3 months)
Denis/Excess                     (???)
Dynio/Suspect                    (???)
IRO/Rave Network Overscan        (1 year)
Fugazi/Giants                    (6 months)
Mr. King/TRSI                    (1 year)
The Trendy Dealer/Ram Jam        (8 months)
Maze/Eltech^Massive              (8 months)
Einstein/Craze                   (1 year?)
C-Tank/                          (5 months)
Ravana/Centolos                  (5 months)
Draw/Ambrosia                    (5 months)
Scraby/Old Bulls                 (8 months)
David Tesarik                    (5 months)
Minor/Independent                (???)
If  you  happen  to  know any of these guys, tell me what happened, give me an
E-Mail adress to write to, or ask them to write to me immediately!
                     some delayers from boobba / sector 5
i  got  no  letters  from  these guys for a realy long time, if you're reading
                      that, please recontact me quickly!
                                · assassin^? ·
                            · blunt^ghd^smellon ·
                               · danthalian^? ·
                                · drf^venal ·
                             · explorer^sector5 ·
                              · feeloopek^fci ·
                          · flapjack^erotic design ·
                             · franc^dark team ·
                            · hellraiser^f.u.n. ·
                                 · kalreg^? ·
                            · ko$mi^dinx project ·
                              · lfo^phuture3o3 ·
                            · madel^fire^r.n.o. ·
                          · melon^nah-kolor^mystic ·
                               · miko63^iris ·
                            · phaser^phuture3o3 ·
                                  · pila^? ·
                           · ping pong^phuture3o3 ·
                                 · prince^? ·
                              · q-man^sector5 ·
                          · qba/nah-kolor^anadune ·
                              · raptor^sector5 ·
                          · skrapi^sector5^zone51 ·
                             · the soul^bucket ·
                             · the specialist^? ·
                        · the trendy dealer^ram jam ·
                              · timer^appendix ·
                            · uhu^freezers^scum ·
                               · vega^ram jam ·
    . ................ . _\|                       |/_ . ................ .
      _______       ____.\ |  a  d  v  e  r  t  s  | /  ._____.  ____
    ./   _   \______)_  |______   ._______     ________ |     |_/ __(______
    |    _    \     _/  |     /___|      /_____\___    \      _/_____     /
    |    /    |\    `   |    /    |  7__/    /   _(    /.     |/___i/    /
     tF!/_____| \_______|\_______/|_________/____\______|_____|    /__u'R!
    . ................ .   .                       .   . ................ .
                         /_|  s  e  c  t  i  o  n  |_\
                             send yours adverts to:
                            blaze / nah-kolor+floppy
                                 ul.polna 63/5
                                 21200 parczew
                          disks back with new speed !
    ______ __  _________ _____  _________   ________________________________:_
   |          /    _    \\__  )/   __    \                                  |
   | cDr/m's /     /       (__     ./     \        · qBA / nAH-kOLOR ·     _|
   |________ \_____\ ______________|______/ _______________________________\
  contact me ONLY for tekno/trance/acid/jungle/house/ambient modules swapping:
             qba / nah-kolor, ul.chopina 4, 12-100 szczytno, poland
                           please no normal swapping
             ____ ______ \     (_____ _______ _____|_            _
         ____\   ))    /__\_        //_     /      |_        __/\_\
      ÷- \   (__      /    /          /    /       _/ --- --/_/\/_/-----÷
         /___________________\     ·__/______\______|        \_\/\_\m's
                              \___/                          cDr\/_/
      blunt (ex.coolio) /talent^ghd^blacksista!  and  3le warez spreader
      henk wijnholds  - marktkade 110  - 9581 aw  musselkanaal  - holland
      for the usual mailtrade - gfx swap - ascii reqs - or toohot support
                    ______           .______ tF!/u'R!     ____  _ ___________:_
    /\ ________     \    /   ______  |   __/__ ________ ./ __(______         |/
 __/  \)  ____/_______  /____\    /  |    ___/_\___    \|_____     /  f r s  |
 \____ \              \/  ____\__    |      |    _(    /.___i/    /         _|
 /_____________________________\/    |______|____\______|   /____/          \:
               acid of                      for traditional mailtrading:
  dinx project^appendix^doggystyle
        __                 __                      uhu / freezers
      ___   arek kajzerek   //_                   jarek  ciszowski
       _   patriotow 32b/1  //_                  b.joselewicza  2/6
      _//   44-253 rybnik   ___                  42200  czestochowa
       //_     poland      __                          poland
    swapping with graphicians and            pure grain elite prefered :)
         ascii makers only!
        Payday / Rebels        Horrorscope  +46-8-7774745 (Rebels Shq)
         Badstrandsv.6                New User Password: Iron
       S-136 49  Haninge
                                                  :  __._
                                _ _______         |    :
              _________ ________   /____/ ________|    |  _______
      _ ______\______ ¬\______ ¬\_/ \__ ¬\______ ¬\_   |_/  ____/____ _
               /    /___/  \_____/    /   /  \_____/   |\_____  \
              /    /   /    /   /    /   /    /   /    /    /   /
      _ ____ /____/_  /____    /____    /____    /|   /____    /_____ _
                 /       /____/   /____/kRm/____/ |    | /____/
                                                 _:__  |
      -For Abnormal Swapping *ONLY*                    ·
                                           7- _-\7- __7- _ -7-   -7- 7 -7
               __                          |  7  \  __)  7  |_  __|  _  |
              / ¬\  HS!  .__/\______.      )- | -(-  -|- ___jT--T )- 7 -(
        _____/____\___   `-----.    '      |  j  /____j___T__l__j_|__|  |
       _\   _________/____     ¦           l____/____________________|__j
   ---_)_______________  ¬\_---'           |                            | 
      ~~~~/_:.       \/   _/               | FOR SWAPPING M O D U L E S |
           `--------------'                |       c o n t a c t        |
      cONTACt dA fRIENDLy gUy...           |  *  C u r t   C o o l  *   |
     bOOBBa/sECTOr5^aZKBERRIEs!            |      FRANK E. LARSEN       |
            mACIEk rEKOSz                  |STOLPEGÅRDSVEJ 35, st mf th |
            mONIUSZKi 8/1                  |   2820 GENTOFTE, DENMARK   |
            114oo kETRZYn                  )----------------------------(
               pOLANd!                     |Over 13000 modules available|
                                           |To be sure to get an answer,|
      nO bEGGINERs, lAMERs, eTc.           |send your big modlist&letter|
   ..aNd fOREIGNERs vERy wELCOMEd!         |_ ________________________ _|
                                           |_(the top is at the bottom)_|
            [÷] DIGITAL [÷]                .
                                          -+-- -  -
         - Nemes!s / Digital -             |
            30 Farrier Close               :    Since I've never turned
          Fatfield, Washington             .  down a contact, the chances
             Tyne And Wear                    are quite good for you too!
               NE38 8RW
            United Kingdom                      Coma of Three Little Elks
      - Digital Need New Members -                 Daniel Johansson
                                                   Stenstaliden 1 B
     GREETS: ·Michael·Shade·Ghandy·               68136 Kristinehamn
     ·Fishwave!·Darkhawk!·The Loop·                     Sweden
     ·Devistator·Wade·Action·Cache·                                        ·
     ·Okeanos!·Tommy·Norman!·Blaze·             - everything available -   :
     ·Swoop·Gdm·Lfo!·Hollywood·xCz·                                        |
     ·Vega·Coolio·Damion!·Crusader·                                 -  - --+-
     ·Lithium·Zoltrix!·T.B.C·Exon!·                                        ·
                                                 _ _________________________
                   _________                                              //
          _________\_      /___  __________   _______   · p u n k ! ·    ·/
        _/   _      /     /  _(__\_       /__/      /                    ø
       /     /     /     /   \    /      /  /      /.   ils^ozf^h!^up!  /
      /      _____/___________\  /_______\  \_______|
     /_______|          Mo!/aL-\/    /_______|                        /
             markus pinkawa - seitzstr.3 - 82362 weilheim - germany
                 0-7 dayz/ascii/graffitii · punk/hc-tapez swap
                            ...... : ........ :.
                         ___:      :  ___.  :..     ___.
           ____/\  ___/\_)  |__    : .)  |__ _:_____)  |_____ ____/\
           )  _  \_\__  \   _  \ __: |   |  \)  _  \   /  _  \)  _  \_
       t0!/   |      _      |   \\__)|   _  (   \         \      |___/e^D
          \___|   __________|___/  : |___|   _______   __________|
              `---'       ..:..    :     |____\    `---'
                          : :.:... : .........:
                          :...:    :             contact us .....
 blaze / nah-kolor   qba / nah-kolor   magic / nah-kolor   melon / nah-kolor
 polna 63/5          chopina 4         sprefuwenlaan 6     p.o. box 720
 21-200 parczew      12-100 szczytno   1742 gp schagen     58-105 swidnica
 poland              poland            holland             poland
                            - only  p u r e  elite -
                    -  support speed  - support paradise  -
                _______ ________ _____ _______ _________ ______
           _____\     //    _   \\  _//   _   \\   _   //     /_____
           \     \    \    ./       \     /        /         /     /
          /____________\   |________________________________________\
                                      i have a500!  so fuckin' what?
         only the pure swappin'
                                 JACOOL the independent
         also 4 latest SPEED     jacek olejnik,  piastów sl.1/69
         also 4 CANDY ASS        pl-47100 strzelce opolskie, poland
         feel free to write,  everyone will get the disks back...
        a · z · k · b · e · r · r · i · e · s            *""*,
                  ._____           ._______             E     L________
                  |    /           | __ __/_         ._J_.   /$  _____/_
    ____       .__|   /.___.  ._____ \__   ¬\_______ |_J¬|   *         ¬\
   /__ ¬\______|_ |  /_|¬ _|__|¬ __/_. /     \ __ _/_| \Law4'  #_______  \
  / \___ \   ___/_ _  ¬\  \ .:|  | .:|/       \\_   ¬\ .`,    /F -g^p-/   \
 /___/  .:\   _  ¬\/  .:\_____|______|       .:\/   .:\__"m,_J'      /   .:\
 -- /______\-/   .:\_____\ --- ---- /           \______\ -- /               \
            /_______\              /_____________\         /_________________\
   ·g e t · a · g u l p · o f · j u i c e · f r o m · a z k b e r r i e s·
  __         gULp^aZb           bOOBBa^aZb·sECTOt5th   :join to nev really:
 _\/_   pOWSTANCOw w-Wy 8/3         mONIUSZKi 8/1      :cool  ascii group!:
 \/\/      11400 kETRZYn            11400 kETRZYn      ·..................·
             pOLANd                    pOLANd
     - for·join&ascii,gfx·swap    - for·join&swap               !AZb
    ______ ___________ _________  _______
    |____ V_____|____ V_____|  |  | ____|
    |___ _|_____|___ _|_____|  |__\___ \_   
    |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
    |  |  |  ¦  |  |  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |        [ majkel / venture ]
    l__|  |_____l_____A_____A_____l_____|             michal czebotar
    rC7l__l                                         os.zachod b/22/e1
                                                      73-110 stargard
               SwOOP/rEBElS                               p o l a n d
               ERiK SuNDBERG
              STRANDBERGSV.12                    long personal letter
             6 1 1 37 NYKoPING                   and good own prod(s)
                S W E D E N                           for 1oo% answer
         .:: aLSO FOR MODuLE SWAP ::.
         ·::  LoNG LEttER PLEASE  ::·  
                                                         _µ*gø*ØQ*        °b_
                                                         ØQjË__ °b         ¬Ø
      for happy mail-trading write to:               ____ØØØØØØ  Ø      ____jÎ
                                                _µæ^°"¯¬°°PØØP_âF     !¯w__¶Ë_
                                             · Æ"       __â__°°"       _øF5k¬#
      guma/ambrosia^amnesty              . :.: #        "¯  °b        j" ­­_Æ" 8705               ____________ _°Î_          jP        ¬°*­*#
      91-494 lodz 87           . )         .    ¬9w__   __â#"     ¸        ß
      poland                  |/  +               ¯°°­­P"Ë      jÎ        Ø
                              |¯¯   .:( g U M a ):.     Æ      jP         Ø
                              |                        IÎ   _æ@"#µ  _     ÆL
      1 0 0 %   a n s w e r   |     A!A^AME^CW^U'R     ã#*P"åÎ  ¬#@5b     Ø
                              |     .                .  ÆLjk_ ¬#  jF ]k    ¬
         ..........           |   _°o        +           ¯"°9mµ__øP   #  .
         : ._____ :.......    |  (_)    ____._________         ¯¯     ¯  |
     . ..: |     \_ _ __ :. . . ________)__ |\       /___.     .    +  __|
      _____|___   /____ \_ _____)  _______(    :·   /    |     o°___    /|
   · _) ______( _/ ¬\( __//        (_/¯ _  _.      /     | _ ___(   )__( .
   : \ .(_/¯ ________\ (_/ :. _. :.     /_( |_   _/\_   _| ·
   :  \______( .......\_______\|_______/ .... )___/\___(   :  tF!/aZk!
   :...........:     :...................:  :..............:  & dRUNk!
                 __________________\\                         :/___ _
   _ ___________))                     w h y ' N   a c t i V  :
    _____         ____      __      \\                    .___: :.
    \    \.___.   \   \____ )/ _____ \     _____   ____  _|   :_ __.______
  _  \    |   |___.\   \  / /./  _  \.   ./  _  \./ __(__\_   _/(__|\    /____
  /  /\   |  _    |      /   |   /   |   |   _   |  \     |   :      \   \   /
 /___/\___|__/    |_____/    |__/    |   |___/   |__/_____|___:_______\_____/
 - ---------/_____|------------/_____|------/____|tF!/u'R!----:------------- -
    ! ?  w a n n A   c o n t a c T   e l i t E       we greets these fucking
                                                     great alcoholical crews
    w h y ' N   a c t i V   l e a d e r S  ? !       -----------------------
                                                     voodka people,  fractal
   -[ PAULA / WA! ]-     -[ THE FOUNDER / WA! ]-     generators, hlor dezing
 ul. botaniczna 24/56       ul.  bankowa 7/18        kraciaste koszule,  7up
  42-216 czestochowa        42-29o blachownia        pijemy   wodke,   atari
      - poland -                - poland -           university of drinking!
         !  w h y ' N   a c t i V   -   t h i S   k i c k S   a s S  !
       __  _  __      __  __  __   _  _ __
      .\_\(_)/_/ /Y\ /_/  \_\.\_\./_\(_)\_\.
   t0!| | Y Y '¯Y ' Y |    | | '(| ' Y | | |e^D
  !                                            !      dO yOU dO gRAFITTI?
  .       FOR SUPPORTING THE NIGHT TRAIN       .      dO yOU lIKE rAVE oR
  .                                            .        wHITE rAP mUZAK?
  :..            THE NIGHT TRAIN!            ..:
    !            Kenneth Fajkowski           !              tFt/rNo!
    :              Arvesgarde 30             :           sKAARABREKKA 11
    :            417-44 Gothenburg           :            4370 eGERSUND
    .                 Sweden                 .               nORWAY
    :                                        :
    .            .                rNo!
  ..:                                        :..       tHE pERVERTED rAVERS
                     __       __     __                  __
                 ___| ¬\  ___| ¬\ __| ¬\_  _______  _ __| ¬\__
                /¯-·|  ·\/¯-·|  ·\_   __/_/¯ - -·¬\___.   ___/
              _/   :|:   \__ :  __/____ ¬\__     __/__|· /¯-·¬\
              \    |:|    /    :|   -·|  ·/|    :||  :|:....: ·\_
               `---' |___/`-----'\_______/ `-----'`---'|________/
                      fOr sOMe hAPPy mAILTRADINg wRITe tO:
          hI!aCTIOn·dAVe·dRAw    mELOn·mYSTIc!    nORMAn·sAGRAEl·kLUx
          sIXPACk·qBa ·sKINEr   mARCIn bANASIAk   pANTERa·vASYl·rAKEr
          bLACk dRAGOn·jACOOl     p.O.bOx 720     sCRABy·mR.uHu·tIMEr
          dR.dWEEp·eNZYMe·qIx   58-105 sWIDNICa   aNFOBIa·cHELSEa·nOp
          hOOLIGAn·mARs·kLAf!       pOLANd        bOGISHLAv!·kESTREl!
          hOGAn·iMORTAl·mIKe!                     dR.aVALANCHe!·dAFFy
          tHe kINg· bUBBa·sHARp·mR.mIKe·pILa·aCe·tIMi·sKOWROn·eXOLOn!
          ___  ___________________
   V   /// _ \/ __ / _  /_ __/ _/ \ \             m a j k e l
   O  / / _/ / /__/ _/_//  //  _  //             v e n t u r e
   T  //____/____/__/cc/__//__/__///  
   E  -    -  - -- --- -- -  -    -             for 100% answer
   !  · .the.official.eurocharts. ·             i need from you  
   V         · ·                   own productions
   O                                            and long letter
   T     · ( curt cool/ depth ) ·  
   E       · .frank.e.larsen. ·                 michal czebotar
   !        · .fruevej.29. ·                    os.zachod b22e1
   V       · .286o.soeborg. ·                   73-110 stargard
   O          · .denmark. ·                     - p o l a n d -
   E   · .fidonet.2:235/314.98. ·                 m a j k e l
   !  · ·             v e n t u r e
        · .also.for.module.swap. ·
                                      ._____              .____
    _____.    _____ .____  ____._____ |   _/_  ________ __|_  /
    \    |___(_____)|    \/    (_____)_   __/______   /_  __  \
    /    |    /    \_    \/    /     \_   |    / ____/ /  |    \
            Contact for REAL Friendship Swapping!!! NOT ELITE!!!:
                        BLACK DRAGON/LIMITED EDITION
                                PAUL PACHECO
                            2 AVENUE PAUL BRARD
                       78700 CONFLANS SAINTE HONORINE
                                .____      ._____
                   _________ ___|_  /_____ |   _/_  _____  _______ ________
                   \____   /_   __  (_____)_   __/_(_____)/   _   \\   _   \
                   /  ____/ /   |   /     \_   |    /    \_   |    \   |    \_
                   ¦     .
             ______|___  | ____/\____    __________    ____._____
           ._)   _____(  |_)___  ___(__._)   __   (__._)   |    (__.
           |     \_|     |     \/      |     /       |     _       |
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
           4 hIGh qUALITy mAILTRADINg tRy · dR SZACh of dINx pROJECt
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
               mACIEj jAROSZKIEWICz · ul. zYGMUNTa sTAREGo 16/11
                         21-5OO bIALa pODLASKa · pOLANd
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
              rAYTRACINg wAREz ^ hC/iNDUSTRIAl/tRANCe sTUFf oNLy!
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
    Want to swap friend(s:c)hip      _____________________\_    _/______ 
       and own productions?         /  _____/_  __    /  __/   /   ____/_
                                  _/   \__    \_ /   /   \     \_____    \_   
        Noodle Of Haujobb         \      /     //  _/    /    /     /     /
        Stephan  Schipper          \__________/____\_________/________Wah/   
             Tijm 20     
         1273 EC  Huizen                   WANNA SWAP THE LATEST 
         [H o l l a n d]                    WiTH A FRiENDLY GUY?  
        Majkel Of Venture                      LiTHiUM/GoDS
         Michal Czebotar                     2 HEATHER GARDENS
        Os.Zachod B/22/e1                         BELTON
         73-110 Stargard                      GREAT YARMOUTH   
          [P o l a n d]                          NR31 9PP
    Wait no longer, write now!                    ENGLAND
                                                  - --- ---_\/_-- ---.
      ____.  HS!            .------- ------ -    -         \/\/      :
      \   ¦___  ________  __¦_____  ________  ________  ________  ___¦____
      _\ _| _/__\_ __ _/__\_ ____/__\ __ __/__\_ ___ /__\_ ____/__\_ ____/_
    _/   \_   ¬\_  \|   ¬\_  \¦   ¬\_ \|    ¬\_  \|   ¬\_  \|   ¬\_  \|   ¬\_
       . ... .....__.....:::::::::¦         `------- ----- -   - . ..::::|
     - ---- -----_\/_-------------' 	            - -----------------'
                 \/\/ fOR dEADLY bORING sWAPING wRITE tO
                         k0RBALL / aPATHy^dINx pROJECt
                              pRZEMYSLAw k0RPYSz
                             nIEDZIALK0WSKIEGo 47/8
                                  418oo zABRZE
    ____-nM$!______   ______   ______                            ___________
  ./   /___ /  ___/_ /  ___/_ _\____ \.                       ___)          |
  |   /|   Y  _\    Y   \_   Y   __   |_                     |     · jim ·  |
_)`--------^--------^--------^--------'(_     _____      __  | __  _        |
|                                       |     \   (__  ,(-,\_· \ \/ \__     |
|        ...need to say more?           |  ,--\\    (,-\_¯_/(,-\\  ·  (, °  |
|                                       |  \_¸  \__  __¸ ¯   __¸ \/    (  + |
|      .V.E.G.A. / .R.A.M. .J.A.M.      |   (_      _/(_  ·°_/(_ _|_  _/ °. |
|                                       |     ¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯ .  ¯   ¯¯      |
|   __     GIUSEPPE  GALLUZZO      __   |              ·aC!d | dGs·     ____|
|  _\/_    VIA DEI FRASSINI 6     _\/_  |                    l_________(
|.\\/\//. I-92019 SCIACCA (AG)  .\\/\//.|   jim/s.d.c.
|             .:[.ITALY.]:.             |   wlodek kuzmowicz
|                                       |   ul.wodna 12
|       |   11-100 lidzbark warm.
|                                       |
¯)_____________________________________(¯   4 swapping try here!!!
                      ____   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____
             ,----- ,-\ __),-\  /_,-\___),-\___),-\___),-\ | ),-----,
             | Ac!D |  ----' __/  )  `-' )  `-'_)  `-'_)   `__) dGs |
             `----- l____| l______|______|____| l____| l____|  -----'
           wanna get contact with floppy? don't wait anymore and write:
                      blaze/floppy           def/floppy whq
                       polna 63/5              p.o. box 9
                     21-200 parczew        01-125 warszawa 102
                         poland                  poland
                       no faked stamps! also for joining!
                   ./                                    \.
                   | -dave!                               |
               ____.      ._____        ._____ .____      |_____.
            ._/  __|____ _|___  \ ._____|_   /_|__  \_____ \   _|
            |   _/ |_   \   |/__/_|___  \/  /_. |/__/__   \_\  \
            |___|__ /   /_______    |/__/_____|______ /   /_____\
                   .\___\       \______\              \___\
                   |                                      .
                   |      4 sUPPORT sLEEPING pACK oR      |
                         qUALITY mAILTRADING wRITE 2:
                          uHU/fREEZERS^vOODKA pEOPLE
                               jARKO cISHOWSKY
                   |           jOSELEWICZA 2/6            |
                   |          42200 cZESTOCHOWA           |
                   |               pOLAND                 |
                   |                                      |
                  _|_   aLSO 4 bLUES mODULES sWAPPING    _|_
                  \|/   __                          __   \|/
                   /___( /__________________________\ )___\
    \__   _______/__   /__          /__    \      /__       /__  ________/
  .--/   l__    ___/   __/   _l__   __/   \ \     __/__    ___/______   \--.
  |_/      \     \      \     __/    \     \ \     \  \     \       /    \_|
  |\________\     \______\_____\      \_____\ \     \  \     \____________/|
  `- --------\_____\-- ---- ----\______\-----\_______\--\_____\-- -----çdr-'
   KELDON / GIANTS                           .anadune.artwork.clous.essence.
  kenneth fajkowski    .sCENE sWAPPING.      .session.ramjam.floppy.massive.
    arvesgarde 30  .sUPPORT fOR nIGHT TRAIN. edition.xzone.
  417-44 Gothenburg   .tHE yEAR iS 1997.     .subspace.sunshine productions.
       SWEDEN                                .rebels.jewels!.iris.clan!.tbl.
              · _______/\\/__________________________________ _ __ _ ·
           _ _:_\        \/                                        /_:_ _
              !  .c.a.r.p. / .p.h.u.t.u.r.e. .3.0.3. & .S.t.r.o.b.e. |   
    __________|__________ __________ __________ .b.a.d. .z.o.n.e. _ _|_
   .\   _____/_\   __   /_\_____   /_\   _    /.                     |/
   |    \          \_         _/         /_____|   Steven            |
   `----------^-----/----^----\-----^---------\    107 Tintern Road /|_ _
    -nM$/sOS! ¡  greets to:gods/ram jam/giants     Carshalton  __    |
              |  massive/artwork/syndrome/trsi     Surrey     _\/__  |
              |  redline/iris/illusion/intense     SM5 1QG   \\/\ (  |
              |  abyss/rebels/talent/ambrosia      ENGLAND       \// |
           _ _|__anadune/ssp/appendix/void/ghd                     __|_ _
              : /_ __ _ __________________________________/\  _____\ :
              .                                           /\\/       .
                                    _\\`  |
                                   |  \   |
               ___ __  . __   ______   __  _    _____    ___
              _)  Y /_ o° (_ _\ ___/_ _\ \/ \_ _\___ \_ _\  |__
            _/    _/  Y \_/ Y______  Y  \  _  Y _____  Y   ___/-\_
            \_    |   |     |        |   \/   |  `-'   |    |   _/
                                   .      .
                             [aC!d |      | dGs]
                                   |      |
                                   |   \__|
             kismat  o·f  apathy   |__,\\    krystiano idzikowski
              poland · ul.morcinka  15/3 · 42612 tarnowskie góry 
                      · only for natural born swappers ·
        ____  ,_
      a*^^¶ÑÑwØØÞ -ÐÅ!
     /      ¬¶Ø#  _____ _______   ______ .______ ______    _____  ______:_ _
     #w_      °___\    \  ._   \./ ._   \|_    // ._   \.__\    \ \    _|
      ¶Ñ#w_   |   /    /  |/____|  |/____|/   /   |/____|  /    /  \   \:
        ¬¶Ñ#µ_µµÏÏø    \._      .__          /_.__       ._\    \.__\   \
           JØØZ¬¯" \____| \_____|  \___________|  \______|  \____|_______\
          ¬¯ °#w_
              „#w_       for quality mailtrading you can choose:
              klaf/freezers    the hooligan/freezers       mr uhu/freezers
      krzysztof lewandowski          mikko virtanten       jarko ciszowski
    ul.kotarbinskiego 11d/3            urupolku 6A17   ul.joselewicza 2/18
              82200 malbork              15240 lahti     42200 czestochowa
                     poland                  finland                poland
           ______________ _____    ________ ________ ______
          _\                  _____\_     //    _   \\     |______
         |    · nAH-kOLOR ·   \     /    /     ./         _|      |
         |                   /_____/______\____|__________\.      |
         ·       ______ _______ _______ _______ _________  |______|
          ______/     //   _   \\     //   _   \\_      /
         |     /     /     /         /     /    _/     /  cDr/m's
         |_____\     \__________________________\ ______\_ _______|
                \_____\                          \/
       for elite mailtrading and  s p e e d  support you could write to
      . blaze / nah-kolor^floppy . polna 63/5 . 21200 parczew . poland .
  - -O- -  .;ئƧµ.                        ¦                             :
     :   ,÷%$^$¬`$@;,                      |                          - -*- -
     .   µ¥l(     ^%%         .§£Ð      - -+- -  -                       :
          ÷Ч¶§;_   '  :®®    @$%     :®©  : .µ$®.     .%µ%,     .%µ.     lm!
     .      ¯';<®¦           $%*'          .@$%¬ Å;  .*#@ ¬Ø©    ©®ÞخǮµ,
      @:.      ;)*&  .§@'   ;$%$    .%@'  ;©¦Ø    ' ;¶Ø¦   §#;  Þ#µ@' ;#§;
       @&$%. _.%Þ¥Þ ;®Þ;    @#$    ;®Þ;   %ص;      %ص;   .§' ¥µ§@;  $%$'
        {%#£@µNÆM%' !#% .©  §ÆÐ.$Ç Æ#% .© !ƶ§; .®§ !¦¶§; .®' µ¥§@;  ;¶@ .,
         `¬@#$%¬'   `¥µ¥%'  `ÐУ;  `¥µ¥%'  `©¥Þض'   `©¥Þض' `Þ¥@!  `¥Þµ$%
       · sLOODY/sILICON · 7, rUE dE rIQUEWIHR · 682oo mULHOUSE · fRANCE ·
            · 4 fRIENDLY, fAST,hOT sWAPP · 4 sUPPORT pIKABOO pACK ·
    k    ·redline·brain lego·syndrome·massive·ramjam·floppy·tle·p3o3·honoo·
    i    ·c.lous·scoopex·depht·gods·ghd·artwork·devious.dezign·agoa·strobe·
    k to ·darkness·avocado·silicon·afc·fun·rektum·dylem·giants·eltech·bugs·
    o    ·nah.color·iris·strange·trsi·haujobb·tsg·anadune·intense·dusk·rno·
    o    ·analog·vu·corpse·apathy·myth·bis·laudabillis·ukonx·psk··
                                    _________   /\___ ____________________
                                    \____    \ /____|/  ____    /        /
                                     |   \    \|    |____   \__/    |___/_
             ____. HS!               |   |\    \    |    \     \_   l     \_
    _______  \   ¦___   _______      |_________/____|___________/__________/
  ._\_ ___/_._\ _| _/_._\_ ___/_.    [--------->  d. i .s .c  <------------]
  |________ |___\_    |________ |
  ~~~~~`----'~~~~`----'~~~~`----'         For lazy editor swap and own
                                         productions only try me out at
     c z a r n y / s k u l l s
           wojtek tulik                     GHANDY OF GODS & SYNDROME
        ul.mysîowicka 5/43                        LARS SOBIRAJ
         47-400 racibórz                        MINDENER STR. 05
             poland                             40227 DÜSSELDORF
    only for support bambo pack
                                            *** Scener since 1992 ***
                                        sUPPORT oUR aNTIC dISC-mAGAZINE!
         : :  ·D·I·G·I·T·A·L·  : :
         :.._____  __.         ..:          ________________________________
       ____|_   /_/  |____ ____:           _____  /   / __// / /   /   / / /
       )   _/  (_)   ____/_)   |____         / / / /_/ // / / / / / /_/ /_/
     _/    |    \_   |-nM$!\_  |    \_      /   /   / //_/_/ / / /   /   /
    \\___________/__________/________//    /_/_/_/ /_//_____/___/_/ /_/_/
           :                   :          ------/_/--- artwork --/_/---
           : NEMES!S / DIGITAL :    
           :                   :            For legal reasons write to..
           : 30 FARRIER CLOSE  :           ------------------------------
           : FATFIELD,WASHINGTON                 Trasher of Artwork
           : TYNE AND WEAR     :                 Oliver Plink
           : NE38 8RW          :                 Bricciusweg 3
           : UNITED KINGDOM    :                 89079 Ulm
         ..:                   :..               Germany
         : :    * EDITORS *    : :
          ___. ______   ___. ______
        .-\  :-)  __ \.-\  :-)  __/_
        |    |    |/ /|    |______  |
        |    |_   |  ¯\    |_    (  |          ___   ____  ____  ____
      $Ð!____|/___|    \___|/____   |         |  |--, __`-, | `-, | `-,
                  `-----'       `---'         |  ,  { `-' | `   | ` ,-'
         please support our chippack          `--^--'-----'-----'---'
            ->·wORLd oF cHIPs·<- 
                                                pure mailtrading...
               3 maja  43a/14                   kovy of union
               09500 gostynin                   ul.chopina 2/19
                   poland                       32-020 wieliczka
      answer guaranteed with the latest  
      issue of "WoC" (but NO SWAPPiNG!)
             _\  ___/___ _____________________________    _________
             \_____    //\_ __    /\___    \ _____    \ __\_____   \_
                 |/   ·/     /   /    /____//_   /____//__     /    /
               \________\    \___\ __________/__________//_________/
                for support s p e e d and/or elite mailtrading:
           . blaze/nah-kolor . polna 63/5 . 21200 parczew . poland .
     send your own productions, modules, messages, adverts, news, articles...
         also modules and pictures swapping available at this address!
    _____     ...     _____ _____
  _/     .--.   _____/     \_    \_
  \_  | _|  |__/  |  \_ l___/ l___/
   |    \_     |  |  _/_   l__   |            ____     ____        ____
   |  |  |  |  l__   |  |  |  |  |           /   (__   )  ¬\__  \--|  /_
   l__|  |  |  |  |  l__   l__   |,       ,-\\____ (,-\\___  (,-\\ · / (, ,
  ÷2F÷`--|  |  l__   |- `--' -`--'>     \_\_   ---- __¸ `-'___)_¸  _  °·( (
         l_____|  `--'                   ( (_      _/(_    _)  (_ _|_  _/ /
  ---------------------------------          ¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯      ¯   ¯¯
       Graphicians/pure elite:                )___ · appendix · ___( Ac!D
                                                 l______________|    /dGs
         9 Leaholme Gardens                       timer/appendix
         Whitchurch                                michal baczek
         Bristol                                  wybickiego 16a/3
         BS14 OLQ, ENGLAND                        82-200 malbork
  ---------------------------------                    poland
  For swapping 0-3 days legal,
               gfx/mods/ascii.          -> !for music to your production! <-
  Support ->
          Generation, Jurassic Pack
          X-Files (adds, news)
                   n e w   c o n t a c t s   n e e d e d   !
                         _ ______  ______________
               _______    ____   \_)   _______
            ___)  __  \  _)   \_____ _/ ____ (___      MADEL/RNO 
                 __/  (__\___  \_   Y   \_ /        MARCiN BEBNOWSkI
            _    \           \   _        /     _     LEKiNSKO 88
            \\____\     ._____\ (\) .__________//   97560 KLESZCZOW
                   \____|      \____|    _,             POLAND          
             r.N.o       _ _____________( \___$Ð!
                n o   l a m e r s     n o    b e g i n n e r s
                       ____                                       ¡
   ______________  _ __\___\_______________________________ ¡    _|_________
   \________ \_  \    _________   \    __ /_  ___  \_  ___/_|_   \_________ \_
    / _____/  /  \\  /   \   \_\   \   \_   \   /   /______   \   |  _____/  /
   /_________/____\\//    \_________\____\   \_____/dwb________\  |_________/
                   \/______\              \___\             |     !
    for everything                                          !
    concerning music ->        raze / ambrosia
                               thomas petersen
                            norrebrogade 110, 2th
                                 8900 randers
                                             _________     .____.
                                          ___\       /_____|    | -ÐÅ!
                                          |   \     /_____ \  __|___
                                          |   \\   / \___   \ \__   \
           .___ HS!                       |----\__/---/______\ /KoLoR\
        ___|__ \  ___.__   ______
       _) ____) \_)  ` _)__) ___ )_      _/\_  mELOn/nAh-kOLOr^mSt 
       \__\|     \___|____\__\__/__\     \oo/      p.O.BOx 720
        ~~~|______\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~             58-105 sWIDNICa  _/\_
                                                     pOLANd       \oo/
          Korball of Dinx Project
            Przemyslaw Korpysz           hi: Qba·Mr.King·Action·Scraby
          Niedzialkowskiego 47/8         Gangsta·Trasher·Lord·Immortal
               41800 Zabrze              Sinister·Klaf·Dave·Mike·Magic
                  Poland                 Decoy·Kestrel·Blaze·Mars·Draw
                                         Sixpack·Yoga·Speed Devil·Zibi      Pantera·Xtd·Hooligan·The King
                                         Mr. Uhu·Coolio·Daffy·Bartesek
 _______     _______     ________   ________   ______ __________   __\      /
       /___./    __/__ ./   __  /_./   __  /_./   _   \   _    /_._\  \_   /_
 \____     : zZ /     \|_    /    |_    /    |_  _/    \_ /___/  |_   _/
     /_____:___________:/_________:/_________:/  \______/________ /   \______
   - ----------------------------------------/______\------------/______\----
      ' g e n e r a t i o n s   a h e a d '     
  .case78/scoopex - rene rummel - hutschenreutherkol.5 - 95100 selb - germany
  respectz: fishwave, crusader, raze, drac, kestrel, ghandy, sting,  trasher,
  react, noodle, the trendy dealer, the ripper, marc, boo, made, ninja, punk,
  rooster, pow, growl, decoy, mount, thunder, action, damion, lfo, risk, vega
                                                 ____/\ .\_ ¬| ______ ·
    ___   ___   ______ __________  __          · \___  \|    |/  __ ¬\:
  ./  /_./  /_./   _  \.         \/  \.        :__(__   |.   |.   ____¦
  l___  l___  |_  _/   : sunshine     |     t0!¦:. ¬'   |:.  |:.  `  ¬|E^d
     /____ /___/  \____: productions  |        `--------^----^--------'
  ·-----------/ zZ   \----------------·        coma / three little elks
   |                                 |
   |       rooster / sunshine        |         aga,ecs,mod,gfx,new,old!
   |        Anders Lindqvist         |        also mod.ordering service!
   |          Ängsvägen 16           |
   |        820 75 Harmånger         |             daniel johansson
   |             SWEDEN              |             stenstaliden 1b
   +---------------------------------+            68136 kristinehamn
   |     speed devil / sunshine      |                  sweden
   |       Morten Martinussen        |
   |        Sandsliveien 263         |    Hi: Hawk.SCB.Ant.Ozzy.Tyberium.NME
   |          5049 Sandsli           |    Rolex.Maze.Mosher.CurtCool.Werbung
   |              NORGE              |    Hardfire.Gardener.Timer.FML.Jacool
  ·-----------------------------------·   Morkeleb.Muadib.Orbit.DrDeath.Igor
                 |                                           |
              /\_|___/\____ /\____/\_ _ ___/\_____/\____ /\__|__
              \_ _ _/\___ ¬\\_ __/\_ Y Y _/\_ _ _/\___ ¬\\_  Y ¬\
              / _| ¬\/ _|  / / ¬\ /  | | ¬\/  | ¬\/ _|  //   | _/
       __    /. \_   \ \_  ¯\    \   | |   \  |   \ \_  ¯\   _  ¯\    __
      /\_\  // .:|   \\:|   \\.: \\.:l l   \\:l   \\:|   \\.:|   \\  /\_\
   .::\/_/::\____|   //_|   //__ //_______ //____ //_|   //__|   //::\/_/::
                 l___/  l___/   \/        \/     \/  l___/   l___/ 
                 |       ____     !        !                 _|
                 l_______\  /_____|   ||   |________________/_/\
                          \/      |   ||   |                \_\/
                                  :  _||_  :
  _____________/\\\///\__________ |  \  /  | ________/\\//\________________
                 \\//                 \/               \/
   Trasher of   . \/    Oliver  \ ---    --- /                :.  GERMANY
  .   Artwork .::    :.  Plink  .\ -------- / . Bricciusweg 3 :::.       .:
  ::.      ____      :::.     .:: \ --__-- /  ::.  89079 Ulm   ____    .:::
  ________ \../ ____________________/\\//\____________________ \  / _______
            \/                      ..\/..                      \/
  ----------------                                 .______
  We are the best,    --------------              _l_   _(_ _ __
  ----------------    fuck the rest!              \       / /__/__ _
                      --------------         _____ |     |   ____((        
                                           ._\     l_____|   \| _ ____
  For trading the latest modules,gfx     __j           l______|      (_.
  and diskmags, send your stuff to:    ._)                             l__
                                       |      ...nO mORe dISGRACe...   ' /_.
           Magic / Nah-kolor           |                                   |
            Spreeuwenlaan 6            | t h e   f o u n d e r  /  s c u m |
            1742 GP Schagen            |         dARIUSz cIERPIAl          |
            The Netherlands            |         uL. bANKOWa 7/18          |
                                       |    42-29o bLACHOWNIa, pOLANd!     |
  Greetings to: Dreamer (Goey!),Dope   |                                   |
  Lazur,Astro,Norby,RokDaZone,Dodger   |         ...oNLy eLITe...          _ _
  Mount,Fashion,Trash-Head,Lenin,Mac   l_           ___________           _\
  Qba,Danny,Mr.Root,Facet,Tom,Python     )_________(           )_________(
  Infant,Phantom,Kopara,Sascha,Snoop                 ÷ÐÅ!/aZK÷
          _________ _ _
          \:· ____/////_.          ._______ _    s  k  u  l  l  s
           \_________   |____   ___|  __  ///       _ __________ __ _
            |:·    |    |:· /__|:· | |___/ |  .___  \\\:· _____//_///
       ____.|      |    |  /   /   |   |:· |__|:· |   _\_______  |.____
   __.|:·  ||      |    |  \  _\__ :   |   |   |  |--|:·   |     ||:·  |.__
  |:·||    ||      :    |   \ \_  \    |   :   |  :  |     :     ||    ||:·|
  |__||____||_________.:|----\ ____\---|_____  |_____!shp________||____||__|
------------------------------------------ `---' ----------------------------
          If U wanna contact SKULLS  (for and cool swapp or joining)
        just write to us!        We're extremly fast and radical cool!
  nEUROMANCER      bYTEBREAKER        cZARNY              eLEZAR
  Michal Restel    Vincent Truppe     Wojtek Tulik        Tomek Zimoch
  Dubois 3         Teplitzer Str. 34  Myslowicka 5/43     Zwirki i Wigury 6
  57100 Strzelin   14193  Berlin      47400 Raciborz      57100 Strzelin
  pOLAND           gERMANY            pOLAND              pOLAND
     We're searching for more cool'n'talented members and new divisions!
             Of course everybody who sends a disk gets answer...
                                              ·  .:.  .·
                                                .: :.
                                              ··:. .:·· ·
           _____   ________   _____   _____    .-:::-. ____      ________
       ____\  _/___\_     /___\  _/___\  _/____|  :  |/   .\_____\_     /
       \   _\       /____/    _\      _\       |     |     \\     /    /
      /___________________\____________________|:   ·|_______\___/______\
                                            cDr|::. :|m's
    CANDYMAN&CRUSADER/SESSION/SESSION/MO'SOUL  |:::::| sonik.bomb.stellar
         t.i.m.o  &  j.a.n.n.e  k.o.t.t.a      |::.::| passion.rebels.trsi
              a.r.b.y.g.a.t.a.n  1.a           |:::::| essence.scoopex.axis
  e.s.k.i.l.s.t.u.n.a       |::· :! artwork.abyss.haujobb
                   s.w.e.d.e.n                 !::  .  majic12.balance.sanity
                        ......      tF!/aZk!
               ....... ::::::::    ...........
        . .....: ___ _ ::::::::....: ______. :
           ______)___  :::::::: _ ___)___ ¬| :
       · ._) _______(  ::::::::  _______(  | :
       : |   (_/¯ _   _::::::::  (_/¯ _   _| :         fOR hIGH qUALITY
       : | :.     /__( `::::::' :.    /__(   .           mAILsWAPPING
       : |_______/ ...  ...... _ ____/ ... .              wRITE tO!
       :...........:   :::::::: .......:
                       `::::::'                        nORK^nTW^mSV^oSM!
                                                       (Abraham Sanchez)
               for happy mail-trading:                  Leon XIII, 5/3C
                                                        41009 -SEVILLA-
                    guma/ambrosia                        * S p A i N *
                   91-494 lodz 87
               1 0 0 %   a n s w e r
              ______________ _.          \                                   ·
     ____     \            //_|        ·De\/istator Of Abyss & Twisted·     /_
  __|_   \_ ___\__        /   ___\__ ___    ______  _____ __________ _______ /
     /   _/     _/___  __/__ /    \/    |_ _\_    \/     |_   _    /_\_    /ø
     \   \    _/    /  \    .\     \    _/    _    \_    _/   /   /   /    /.
  _ ______\_________\  /____|______/____|_____\_____/____|________\___\_____|
                 ._\ -/-Mo!\aL------------------------------------------ -
   Devistator/Abyss - 9 Leaholme Gardens, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 OLQ.
    _                            E - N - G - L - A - N - D                _
  \///\_          - eLITe swap, 0-3 days wares/gfx/modz -              _/\\\/
                                            For any king of swapping with
        ____    _____     ______            longs letter and hot stuff...
     .--\__/__--\__ /___--\ ___/__          Also support to Paradise pak!
     !       /     /   /  ----   /
     `---.__/----.____/----.____/                MELON/NAH-KOLOR^MST
     -pnk!          .   .                          Marcin Banasiak
     .--------------'   `-------.                    P.O.Box 720
     | punk! / ils·ozf·h!·up!   |                  58-105 Swidnica
     | markus pinkawa           |                      Poland
     | rottenbucher str.54      |
     | 82362 weilheim           |           hi: Qba·Mr.King·Action·Scraby
     | germany                  |           Gangsta·Trasher·Lord·Immortal
     `--------------------------'           Sinister·Klaf·Dave·Mike·Magic
        ______    ______    ______          Decoy·Kestrel·Blaze·Mars·Draw
     .--\ __ /__--\__  /__--\ ___/__        Sixpack·Yoga·Speed Devil·Zibi
     !     \   /     ____/    _____/        Pantera·Xtd·Hooligan·The King
     `----.___/----.___________!            Zefir·Sagrael·Dweeb·Qix·Pagan
     -pnk!                                  Mr. Uhu·Coolio·Daffy·Bartesek
                          |______\ _____________:_
                            _______\_           |
                           |                    |
                           | .Only PURE Elites. | 
        _______  _______   |   ____   _______   _____    ______  _____
    ____\_    /__\     /____  /    |__\     /___\  _/___|     /__\  _/____
    \    /   /   /____/     \/        /____/    _\      |    /   _\      /
   /____/_____\_____________\/     _____________________| __/_____________\
                            /______|            .       |____\  cDr/m`s
                           .                    |
               Sweets to:  |  NEMES!S / DIGITAL |  Flowers To:
               ----------  |  30 Farrier Close  |  -----------
         Michael/Anathema  |      Fatfield      |  The Loop/Artwork
            Shade/Digital  |     Washington     |  Cache/Ex-Digital
              Ghandy/Gods  |    Tyne & Wear     |  Okeanos/Digital^Sdm
        Fishwave/Sardonyx  |     NE38  8RW      |  Vega/Ram Jam
                Wade/Gods  |      eNGLANd       |  Crusader/Session
        Plastikman/Quaser  |                    |  Blaze/Floppy
             Blunt/Talent  |            ________|  Norman/Anadune
          Lfo/Phuture 303 _|_____________\ ______  DarkHawk/Iris
         Devistator/Abyss  :               \_____| Zoltrix/TRSi =)
                  ÷aC!d/dGs÷ ____________)                      (___
          ______    _  _ ____)          _________  -÷ bambo ÷-     (__
      +   \  ___|___   ________   ___  /  __  ___|___   ________      |
        + ,\_____  /---\____  (---\__\/__/--\_____  /---\  ____/-,    |
       +  |   `-/ /  |   _____  |    \/    |   `-/ /  |    \-'   |    ¦
        _ _____      l___ \-'   l___  /    l____      l____      |    ·
              /______|  /_______|   \/_    |   /______|   /_______ _
                      pLeAsE sEnD mE sUpPoRt tO bAmBo pAcK
                                cZaRnY oF sKuLlS
                                  wOjTeK tUlIk
                                mYsLoWiCkA 5/43
                                47-400 rAcIbOrZ
            - -- --- ---- -------------|·
             -try my style of swapping |               ____
                     ·         ________·             . \  /
                      \________\____   |    ·        |--\/|
            ·______  __\ _____         |     \-----/ |    |
            |      \/   \____________  |      /   / \|    |
            |   _        \ctp!/L124|   |\----/ \  ¯  \    |
            |_   \  /-----\        |---/              \---|
             /----\/       ·       ·  /______/\________\  ·
                              ctp/mawi ·
                          szeroka 35/8 | reach me at:
                     pl-75814 koszalin |
                                poland |-------------- ---- --- -- -
  HS! __    ___ ___       ____ ___ ___ ___  ___       ___  ____ ___   __
     _\/_ __)   )--' )___ )--( )   )   )-__ )--) )--) )-__ )--( )__) _\/_
     \/\/ - ------------------------------------------------------ - \/\/
      NEW CONTACTS ALSO           PL 62              WANNA SWAP AMYCDs?
      LOST CONNECTION            FINLAND             RELIABLE SWAP SINCE '93
          ___/\__    __/\__    __/\__     __/\__   .¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾. ___/\__
         _\___   \  _\_  _/_  _\ ___/__  _\ ___/__ ¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾ \__   /_
     .--|     \   \_        \_   \     \_   \      ¾¾¾   ¾¾¾¾   /     \_-.
 .  -|  |      \ .:/       .:/    \_  .:/    \_  . ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾   \    .:/ |-.
   `-|:.l_________/|________/|_________/|_________ ¾¾¾       ____\____/.:|-'
     `---------------------------------------------`¾¾¾¾¾¾ ----------lm!-'
      :         for some friendly mail-trading you can write to:       :
      :                                                                :
      :                         digger/iris                            :
      :                         tomasz jankowski                       :
      :                         mlodziezowa 14/19                      :
      :                         09-100 plonsk                          :
      : 100% back guaranteed!   poland                                 :
                                                _____ ___________ ______
     _____________    _____    ________        /_____V  _  \____ V ____|
    /  |  \_____  \  /  |  \  /  |    /        |\__  |  |  |  |  \___ \_ 
   /   |   \/ _|_  \/   |   \/   | __/         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
  /    _    \  _/   \  -^-   \   _  \          |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |
  \____|____/__|____/___|____/___|   \         |___  |_____|_____A_____l
       |                         |¯¯¯¯         rC7\__l
       | -      of gIANTs      - |                      gOds '97!
       |                         |
       | - aMIGAfREAk sINCe 86 - |               fOr swapping the latest:
       |                         |
       | -   nIKLAs  jONSSOn   - |                     lithium/gOds
       | -      bITTINGe       - |                  2 heather gardens
       | -  715 92 sT.MELLOSa  - |                        beltOn
       | -        sWEDEn       - |                    great yarmOuth
       `-------------------------'                       nr31 9pp
          ____           ______     ____   ______   ____   _____
         _\  _l____ ___ _)     \___l__  |__\ ___/_ _\  _/__\    \_
        |    \_    \    \      /    _/      <__   \  \/    /____/ \.
        |     l\                   /          /                    |
        |_____|/______________)____\________ /_____/_______________|bd!/dGs
              4 cool'n ^ azking ^ friendling swaiping, only 2:
                              kamil kaczmarek
                            boh.warszawy  1o5/3
                              72-2oO nowogard
                            |             (_____
                            | ·Ac!D/dGs·        |          _
     __  _      ____      ____      ____  °.   ____     _,-'\    ___
     \ \/¬\__   )  ¬\__   )  ¬\__   )  ¬\__   /   (__   ) __/__  \  |--,_
   ,-\\  ·  (,-\\ __/ (,-\\ __/ (,-\\ __/ (,-\\____ (,-\\____ (,-\\ _   (,
   \_  \/    __¸---'   __¸---'   __¸ (/    __¸  ---- __¸   \)  __¸  | .° (
    (_ _|_°·_/(_      _/(_    ·°_/(_      _/(_      _/(_      _/(_ _|_  _/
      ¯   ¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯   ¯¯
        Meecash of Thefect  |   °+.             |  W®ite 2 mE!!!
             Marcin Mikuîa  l_____¸ · meecash · |  fO® sWAaPP &
        ul.Wyzwolenia 9/41        )_____________|  suPPo®t Necronomicon
              62-510 Konin                         a RPG fanzine!!!
          for some friendly  __\                    |
            mailtrading     |     · p e p s o n ·   | 101% answer
                            |        o.p.i.u.m      ·   of coz!
           _______ ______   · _______   _____    ________ _____
         ./   ___/_\ ___/__ ./   ___/. _) ___)__.\  _   /_\  _ \____
         |    \_     ____/ \|    \_  |/ \____  /|   \_        \ \  /.
         |     ___   \            ___       /            ._____\    |
         |_____\  |_______________\ /____________________|      \___|
                            .                       .  also if  you
          piotr trochymiak  |__       ·)pium        |  want to join
           h.sawickiej 6/2    /____               __|  ·)pium  are
          pl-22200 wlodawa        (_______________\      welcome!
                               _.______    ¡/
              ______           \¡         /|               ______
       _______\     \___________|_      ___|___      _____/     /_____
       \__   __\     \________    \_    \__    \ .___\___      _______\
         /   \________\    \_/     /      /    \\|      /     /     \
        /_______pnt^apt___________/      /______\\     /_____________\
                                |          |     \____/
               point of apathy  |         _|_
           alexander gustavsen  |         \_/ short greets: ambrosia
                  gardkroken 4  |          |  element . eltech . erotic
          n-615o ørsta, norway  |          |  flying cows . fun . giants
                               _|_         |  gods . limited edition
         fast or friendly swap \_/         |  looker house . mystic
      zip disks or dd floppies  |          |  ram jam . saints . syndrome
          support apathy prods  |          |  u'race . vajrayana . void
                ascii ordering  |        __!___ _
                           _ ___!_         ¡
 _ _____  ______  ____   .        __  _______  ____          ____       /¯¯\ 
   ___  ¬Y  _   ¬Y   _|_øØ   ø  _|_ ¬Y  ___  ¬Y  _/___  .øØØø. _/____  |___ | 
   \__  .|  /   .|   __/ØØX.øØ |  / .|  \__  .|__\____¬.ØØ  .Ø__   ./  |h²o||
 - -/____|-/_____|____| °ØØØ°  |_____|---/____|/___`-'_|Øø  øØ/____/   |---'|
                       .øØ°                        ¯¯¯  °ØØØØ°         |____|  
                                                          ¯¯  g^p/aZb
               PO BOX 294             PO BOX 34          UL. REDUTOWA 26
            60-159 POZNAN 78     21-507 BIALA PODL 45    01-112 WARSZAWA
   !no more foreign dewdz · no faked stamps · support biuletyn abstynenta mag!
            ___         S   U   P   P   O   R   T               ,.
          øؤ°°¶¢________   __  .---.________ _______ øø.     øØ°
         °ØØø   ¦:  _____) ¦·  \| ·(__   ____¦:  _____)¶Øø,,Øد
          ¬¶Øå¢ø|_    (    |    '   | |  ·|  |     (     ¶ØøØ
            ¯¬°¶ØØð..¯¯¯¯¯¯\. \     | |   |  |   ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ ,ضø.
                 ¬ØÐ_______¦   \____| |___¦  `._________øØ°°¶Øø_
         °¶Øø,_ _øØØ       `---'                      .ØØ°    °¶å.
            °ØøøØØ°¯         nEW  mUSIC  pACK         ¬°        ¬Øø
              ¯¯¯      · tRANCE · tECHNO · aMBIENT ·
          cASE / tHEFECT         mORINO / tHEFECT      tZX / tHFECT
          cZEKANOWSKIEGO 7       gOTYCKA 8 / 3         pOMORSKA 51 / 3A
          61-332 pOZNAN          62-505 kONIN          85-046 bYDGOSZCZ
            _______ ._______     _______. ____ _ _____________________/_
          ./   _   \|      /_____\      |/ __(______                 /
          |    /    |  7__/    /  \     |_____     /   n  e  w  s   /
          |___/     |_________/   /\    |___i/    /              _ /_
             /______|tF!/u'R!/____/\____|   /____/               \/
          scene news colected by: blaze / nah-kolor+floppy
- Big-rat joined as editor as doublemember from ETHIC.
- Madstop joined as coder as doublemember from ETHIC.
- Cyboman change his handle to Eliss-d.
- Spacebrain joined as musician.
- An AMBROSIA pc division has been formed.
- Blunt (ex.Coolio) left for TALENT.
- Artphaze left AMBROSIA and possibly the scene.
- Powdihacker left for PUZZLE, but GENETIC SPECIES will still under AMBROSIA
- Draw change his handle to Guma.
- Memberlist (Amiga):
Access ................ raytracer
Cain ....... raytracer/graphician
Drac ....... pack/cosysop/swapper
Guma ....... swapper/ascii artist
Eliss-d ..... graphician/musician
Raivo ............... coder/sysop
Raze ................... musician
Shadow Walker ........ graphician
Spacebrain ............. musician
Wax .................... musician
Zeek ...................... coder
- Memberlist (PC):
Lucifer ................... coder
Syntax .................... coder
- Ice left the Amiga scene!
- Insert left the Amiga scene!
- Madman left the Amiga scene!
- Szudi left the Amiga scene!
- Korball joined as swapper.
- Dave left to be independent.
- Draw change his handle to Guma.
- Memberlist:
Aju ................. modemtrader
Beton ................. digitizer
Domel ..................... coder
Guma .................... swapper
Hasid ................. coder/whq
Ice ................. f r i e n d
Insert .............. f r i e n d
Invert ................. musician
Korball ................. swapper
Madman .............. f r i e n d
Umpal ................ graphician
- Action has dropped his swapping activity! now he is at modem scene ;(
- Sharp was kicked!
- Qba left to be a NAH-KOLOR member only.
- Dweeb change his handle to Point.
- Terry joined as musician as doublemember from DINX PROJECT.
- Maze joined as musician.
- Growl and Psycho are back.
- Hurricane left the scene.
- Hyper joined as raytracer.
- Tracky was kicked.
- Tentacle joined as graphician.
- Wise left.
- Sundance joined as asciimaker and graphician.
- Carson, Flapjack, Cooper, FML, Rappid and Informer joined!
- Hangman left for COSMIC WOODHEADS.
- The Ripper rejoined after a small break.
- Scout joined as coder as a doublemember from C-LOUS.
- Axis and Graham left to found own group.
- Fiver renamed to Fiver2.
- Nitch/ex. VIRTUAL DREAMS joined as coder.
- Confidence joined as coder as doublemember from BALANCE.
- SMT joined LIGHTFORCE as doublemember.
- Tiberius joined as 3d modeller.
- Actual memberlist:
Azure ..................... coder
Confidence ................ coder
Cougar ............... graphician
Damion ........ organizer/swapper
Detector .................. coder
Fiver2 ............... graphician
Nero ................. graphician
Nitch ..................... coder
Noogman .............. graphician
RockDaZone ..... editor/organizer
Scout ..................... coder
Sharon .................... coder
Skyphos ................... coder
SMT .................... musician
The Loop ............... musician
The Ripper ....... editor/swapper
Tiberius ............ 3d modeller
Trasher ................. swapper
Tron ...................... coder
Virgill ................ musician
Voyage .................... sysop
- Hollywood and Stelios left to their own group - VACUUM (but not this polish
- Lowlife left for THE BLACK LOTUS.
- Confidence joined ARTWORK as doublemember.
- Zero joined from DUAL CREW-SHINING as coder.
Cosmic Woodheads:
- Eliss-d and Raze from AMBROSIA formed a new group called COSMIC WOODHEADS, 
  but they are still members of AMBROSIA.
- Drac joined from as swapper doublemember from AMBROSIA.
- Draw joined from as swapper as tiplemember from AMBROSIA^A MNESTY.
- Draw change his handle to Guma.
- Hangman joined a coder from APPENDIX.
- Current members of COSMIC WOODHEADS are:
Drac .................... swapper
Guma ....... swapper/ascii artist
Eliss-d ... graphics/music/design
Raze ...................... music
- Pumper (trader) and Slurry (sysop) was kicked in Sweden.
- Legionary joined as coder from WEIRD in Sweden.
- LPN (gfx) left the scene in DK
- The Coolest (code) rejoined in Norway.
- The Paranoid (sysop, music) rejoined in Norway.
- Sanctum change his handle to Nemo Q.
- Complete memberlist:
Bakerman ............................... sysop/editor
Curt Cool .. musician/swapper/trader/organizer/editor
Cytron .............................. musician/editor
Elohim ................................. coder/tracer
Folcka ................................... graphician
Hund. ............................. graphician/tracer
Gizmoduck ......................... swapper/organizer
Nemo Q ................................... graphician
Nightsight ............................... graphician
Presence ...................................... coder
Quedax ........................................ coder
Snowman ...................................... tracer
Trip ....................................... musician
Paithan ....................................... coder
The Coolest ................................... coder
Cope ....................................... musician
Solo ............................. musician/organizer
Sprocket ................................. graphician
Allanon .............. ascii-maker/swapper/graphician
Ren ........................................... sysop
The Paranoid ......................... sysop/musician
SiDo ......................................... trader
Fly ...................................... graphician
The Glow ........................... musician/swapper
Icebreaker ........................ swapper/organizer
Legionary ..................................... coder
DeeJay Jones ............................... musician
Betty Boy ................................ graphician
Chewie ......... swapper/trader/ascii-maker/organizer
Schindler ...................... sysop/trader/swapper
- Cache left the scene due to lack of time.
- Now Nemes!s is organizer.
- Shade joined as graphician.
- A coder from ANATHEMA will finish UNDERWORLD.
- Mat joined as graphician
- SPACED OUT is the DIGITAL UKHQ. The sysop is of course Zoltrix.
- Mat change his handle to Forge.
- Memberlist:
Nemes!s ........... editor/organizer
Shade ................... graphician
Forge ................... graphician
Okeanos ................... musician
Tommy ..................... musician
Dinx Project:
- XTD isn't their member!
- Sagrael left the scene!
- Korball joined APATHY as doublemember.
- Celic joined as modem-trader from REKTUM.
- FASTIDIUM will be cooperation of DINX PROJECT^AMNESTY. First issue soon!
- Terry joined APATHY as doublemember.
- Memberlist (Amiga):
Acid ....... ascii maker/swapper
Caro ................ graphician
Celic .............. modemtrader
Dan ................... musician
Dr D ................ graphician
Dr Szach ............. raytracer
Groh ................ graphician
Franckey .......... coder/editor
Korball ................ swapper
Kosmi .................. swapper
Kro ................. graphician
Ogotay ................... coder
Oster .................... coder
R.G. ............. swapper/coder
Sachy .................... coder
Sebax ............... graphician
Terry ................. musician
Timi ................. organiser
Tinner ............... raytracer
Zefir ............... graphician
- Memberlist (PC):
Human .................... coder
Mars ................... swapper
- Memberlist (Silicon Graphics):
Indigo .... graphician/raytracer
- Lemmus, BlueBerry and Existence left for PUZZLE.
- Devistator left for ABYSS.
- Lithium and Wade left for GODS.
- Dr.Death and Spector left them.
- Splatterhead left for SCOOPEX.
- General Lee, Mic Flair and Orion left for RAM JAM.
- They are dead!
- Chromag joined  as musician.
- Norm, Jamie and Marvin joined from SKARLA.
- Poldi left the scene.
- Phase joined as graphician from SPACEBALLS.
- Gfx-Twins left for SCOOPEX.
- Informer is still a APPENDIX member, he aren't a FLOPPY member.
- Blaze joined NAH-KOLOR as doublemember.
- Our next demo - PAPADEO 2 - was released at RUSH HOURS'97 and reach the...
  2nd position! Applause kurwa! (co nie Zig? :)
- We are searching for good graphcian!
- Memberlist:
Blaze .................. swapper
Def ................ swapper/whq
Fame ................ graphician
Gabi ................. raytracer
Revisq ................ musician
Thorus ................... coder
Zig ...................... coder
Flying Cows Inc:
- Melon left FCI and join NAH-KOLOR as doublemember of NAH-KOLOR^MYSTIC.
- Uhu joined as swapper from SCUM.
- Dave left to be independent. He still is on scene, but rather for funny and
  friendship than for active and winning compos :)
- Wizard was replaced as WHQ by Hawk.
- Mathews joined as sysop.   
- Firelord joined as graphician.
- Firelord changed handle to Orhan.
- Thrym left to be a member of MASSIVE only.
- Zack left for SARDONYX.
- Malakai, Fugazi, Dwangi, Groover, Woober, Tyneo, Sway and D-Coy was kicked!
- Sublet joined as coder.
- Lithium joined as swapper from ELTECH. 
- Wade joined as graphician from ELTECH.
- Click was never a member of GODS.
- Chris and Sixpack stopped swapping.
Grasshopper Developments:
- Click joined as musician.
- Darken and Unborn joined as coders in France.
- Seal, Dascon, Kid Frost, WOTW and Jailor was kicked out!
- Muffler joined as musician from NAH-KOLOR.
- Stone joined from MATRIX.
- Deets left the scene.
- Mr.C joined as musician.
- Meeku joined as coder.
- Chauple joined as coder as doublemember from CONTRAZ.
- Fenriz joined as coder as doublemember from RAPE.
- Chriz joined with his board SOUTH BRONX. Now he is in four groups!
- Whooper joined as graphician and trader.
- Hellrazor joined as coder and swapper. Now he is in four groups!
- Firestarter joined as swapper.
- Radiance joined as musician as doublemember from MASSIVE.
- Sh1 joined as musician.
Impact DK:
- Adonis left for IRIS.
- They're left Amiga scene for the pC.
- Lord is the new organizer.
- Jazz joined as musician as doublemember from HAUJOBB.
- Soldier joined as object designer from WAVERIDERS.
- Psycho was kicked out.
- Bubba dropped his swapping activity!
- Digger joined as a swapper from BUCKET.
- Miko63 is kicked becouse of lack of communication.
Limited Edition:
- Dvize joined as swapper as doublemember from DEVIOUS DEZIGNS.
- MJ, Radiance and Streesball joined from IRIS.
- 'MIRACLE' will be countinue under the MASSIVE label as 'MONUMENT'.
- Chriz joined as swapper as a triplemember from ELEMENT^APATHY.
- Insert joined as coder/graphician as triplemember of MAWI+AMNESTY+SCUM.
  Later he left the scene...
- Bay-Tek isn't a PSB member anymore!
- New projects soon. Respect them!
- Actual memberlist (Amiga):
- Bay-Tek ................. coder
- Starlight ............... coder
- Jacko .............. graphician
- Seti ......... graphician/ascii
- Zoltan ................. tracer
- Van Ghorne ........... musician
- Mixer ................ musician
- Yoyo ................... editor
- Komar ................. swapper
- McRudi ................ swapper
- CTP ... organizer/swapper/ascii
- Memberlist (pc):
- Gzr ..................... coder
- Yourek .................. coder
- Mips ................. musician
- Gutek .......... swapper/writer
- Sagrael left for DINX PROJECT and later the scene...
- XTD is still a member! (if he is still active :)
- Payday left the group to be a member of REBELS only.
- Melon joined as swapper as a doublemember from MYSTIC.
- Klod and Elis joined as coders from TRSi.
- Action joined as modemtrader as a doublemember from ANADUNE.
- Qba has dropped his swapping activity!
- Blaze joined as swapper as a doublemember from FLOPPY. Now he will release
  next issues of a SPEED packmag!
- Qba is now a NAH-KOLOR member only.
- Muffler left for HAUJOBB.
- Yoga left for SCUM.
- Fame left to be a FLOPPY member only.
- Dj Uno joined from BATMAN GROUP as doublemember.
- Joybreaker left the scene.
- Sloody joined as swapper as a triplemember from REDLINE^SLILICON.
- Ion left.
- Memberlist :
- Blue ................................. musician
- Dj Uno ............................... musician
- Lapola .............................. raytracer
- Leunam ..... graphician/organiser/ascii/swapper
- Nork ......................... swapper/musician
- Sloody ...................... swapper/raytracer
- Wasi .................................... coder
- Weirdo ....................... swapper/musician
- Wind .................................... coder
Old Bulls:
- Sundance was kicked becouse of unactivity.
- Entrix joined as swapper.
- Mixer left for MAWI.
- K.K. left.
- Boogeyman and Scope left for SCOOPEX.
- Decoy joined PUZZLE as doublemember.
- The Whistle and Pearl left the scene!
- Subject left for SCOOPEX.
- Silicon left for REBELS.
- Issue 7 of DanskToppen WILL be released!
Phuture 303:
- Phaser joined as swapper in Poland.
- Ping Pong joined as raytracer in Poland.
- Substance left them.
- Nemes!s joined them as swapper as doublemember from DIGITAL.
- Digital left for SCUM.
- Wizball left.
- Decoy joined as swapper as doublemember from PASSION.
- Major cleanup in the group.
- Sca was kicked because of unactivity.
- Fazion left to work entirely on PC.
- Mickey and Phonetic left the amiga scene to start a company!
- Lemmus, BlueBerry and Existence joined from EFREET.
- Powdihacker joined as coder from AMBROSIA.
Ram Jam:
- General Lee, Mic Flair and Orion joined from ELTECH.
- Payday, Klorathy, Loop and Kruster left the swedish division to join REBELS.
- Horrorscope BBS is now REBELS swedish headquarter.
- RAM JAM SWEDEN is *DEAD* and nothing else.
- Payday, Klorathy, Loop and Krustur joined from RAM JAM.
- Silicon joined from PASSION.
- Hotstepper left the scene!
- Celic left for DINX PROJECT.
- Devotion left the scene!
- Zack joined as graphician from GIANTS.
- Madman joined as coder from FACTOR.
- Splatterhead rejoined from ELTECH.
- Gfx-Twins joined from ESSENCE.
- Subject joined as musician from PASSION. Later he change his handle to
- Dziulas and No Name was kicked!
- Digital joined as musician from PHUTURE 303.
- Fml joined as musician as a doublemember from EROTIC DESIGN.
- Enter joined as coder from EROTIC DESIGN.
- Insert left the Amiga scene! 
- Yoga joined as graphician from NAH-KOLOR.
- Doktor joined as musician.
- Kubik joined as coder.
- Bytebreaker joined as coder.
- Masher bought PC and left Amiga scene.
- Pila left the scene!
- Actual memberlist:
- Neuromancer ....... graphician/organizer
- Seba ............................. coder
- Kubik ............................ coder
- Bytebreaker .... coder/swapper/packmaker
- Larry ........................... writer
- Luck .......................... musician
- Elezar .......................... tracer
- Doktor ........................ musician
- Czarny ............... swapper/packmaker
- P242 .................... tracer/swapper
- Android left for THREE LITTLE ELKS.
- Origo and Prospect joined as coders as a doublemembers from C-LOUS.
- Calladin joined.
- Pix joined as graphician from IRIS.
Sunshine Productions:
- Randall, Deelite and POW joined as musicians.
- Laz left for THREE LITTLE ELKS.
- Speed Devil joined as swapper from X.
- Hence joined as coder.
- Bombas joined as coder.
The Black Lotus:
- Lowlife joined as graphician from AXIS.
- Jeek Elemental, Yfcon, Axm, Cypher, Fishbone, Iglo, Sag and Shark was 
Three Little Elks:
- Laz joined as graphician and musician from SUNSHINE PRODUCTIONS.
- Nude change his handle to Jean-Luc.
- Android joined from SUBSPACE.
- Ant drop most of contacts!
- Qba left and stay in NAH-KOLOR^ANADUNE only.
- Klod and Elis left for NAH-KOLOR.
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